Author: Romy Sommer

Book News: Guest Post with ..

Posted 28th April 2015
Book News, Guest Post
Book News: Guest Post with Romy Sommer

In the run-up to #HIFortnight I’ve written a whole bunch of blog posts, and I must tell you: it’s hard to come up with post after post of insightful commentary on my novels. There are only so many posts you can do on your character’s motivations and conflicts, and how they overcome them, […]

Blog Tour Review: To Catch ..

Posted 30th September 2014
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: To Catch A Star

‘A fairy-tale romance to warm even the coldest of hearts.’ – Chloe’s Chick Lit Reviews Teresa Adler is the ultimate Ice Princess, with a heart as frozen as the winter landscape of her beloved home, Westerwald. All her life, she’s belonged to the ‘inner circle’ of wealth, privilege and position. […]