TGIF! Wow what a busy week I have had. This morning I am joined by Rae Rivers for a little probing….
Rae, can you tell us about your new book?
Ethan is the final book in my Keepers trilogy. Even though each book can be read as a standalone book, there’s an overall storyline that runs throughout all the books, coming to an exciting, epic conclusion in book 3. The FREE prequel to the series, The Keepers: Sienna, more details can be found below.
Can you tell us about the characters in this book?
The series is about three warrior brothers – Archer, Declan and Ethan – born to protect a powerful witch, Sienna. Together, they fight to maintain the good in the world. As the series progresses, we meet other heroines too – Kate and Jenna, a hybrid witch and a Keeper. They all have different magic and abilities, personalities and backgrounds – and fight for the same thing. They form a unique bond of friendship and family and are so loyal and protective of each other, but as the stories unfold, they discover their true purpose. They’re all so unique in their own way and I so enjoyed developing their characters – and carrying them with me throughout all the books.
Who was the easiest to write?
The middle brother, Declan. I had him figured out from the beginning. He’s the carefree, fun, bad-boy brother with a love of whiskey and speaking his mind. But there’s also a lot of intensity and depth to him that readers love. He was so much fun to write and frequently had me giggling with his antics.
Who was the most difficult?
The two heroines, Kate and Jenna. The three brothers were always clear to me – who they were, what they were fighting for, their personalities etc. But Kate and Jenna came in at book 2 and 3 and needed a lot of thought and rewriting before I finally nailed their characters. They’re strong, independent women who fight beside the brothers – and challenge them too – but still contain an element of vulnerability that make them real and relatable.
What was the hardest part of writing this book?
Gosh, even though this was such a fun series to write, it was really tough as I had to develop six unique personalities (excluding all the villains!), keep track of the storyline throughout all the books, ensure all the hints and loose ends were tied up, create new settings whilst building on the old ones, and ensure the plot had a good balance of love, romance, action, humour, angst etc. It was very challenging, but I so enjoyed writing it.
What is your favourite place to write?
I have a very peaceful home office overlooking the garden. It’s quiet and designed for writing – big computer screen, pin boards, notepads, music etc. I usually prefer writing there because I have everything I need at my fingertips – but sometimes, for a change of scenery, I’ll write in the garden or a coffee shop. It also depends on my children’s movements too.
Chocolate or sweets?
I adore chocolates!
You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?
Tough choice! There are so many destinations on my bucket list but if I had to pick one, I’d love to explore Canada as my Keepers trilogy is set there. After three years of researching it, I’d love to visit in person!
What is your favourite season?
I love them all! Summer is so magical – hikes, beach, cocktails and glorious sunshine – but winter is just as fun. I love the coziness of the cold, rainy days with my hubby and children beside the fireplace with a glass of wine and a good book or movie.
What do you love about writing?
The challenge of figuring out the characters and their story. The way I’m able to immerse myself into their world as if I’m there, seeing it through their eyes. It’s a magical, fun, creative and incredibly satisfying experience.
Is there anything you hate about writing?
I get a bit frustrated at times when the words are flowing and the writing session is going so well – only to have to break away for real-life responsibilities. It takes a while to get back into that head space and pick up where I left off.
You have a day off – no children/work/responsibilities…what do you do?
The urge to write is ALWAYS there – even if it’s not actually physically writing new words, the plotting and planning and research are like constant magnets too. And for me, writing is fun and not considered as work, so that would be a big draw! But writing aside, I’d probably run around like a crazy person trying to decide what I should do first to maximize that luxury – read, go for a massage, a hike, meet a friend for lunch, time alone with hubby, go shopping, watch a movie … so many fun things to do, so little time!
Thanks so much for having me on your blog!
Rae Rivers

Also by this author: The Keepers: Sienna, The Keepers: Archer, The Keepers: Declan, The Keepers: Ethan
on September 26th 2013
Pages: 75
Amazon Kindle
Sienna Beckham is a powerful witch, and along with her four fiercely protective Keepers, it is her destiny to maintain the balance of nature in this world.
Tonight, it's the town carnival and everyone will be there: Sienna's family; her friends; her protectors. Archer.
Laughter and flirtation await.
But in a few hours, Sienna's life will have changed forever and her powers stretched to their very limits.
For something is lurking in the forest…
Murder. Sorcery. Revenge.
And no one saw it coming.
Find out how it all began…
The FREE PREQUEL to Rae Rivers' magical new series, The Keepers.
Great interview Rae. Can’t wait for your next book.