Q&A with Angel Nicholas

Posted 2nd May 2015 by Emma in Book News, Q&A / 0 Comments

Q&A with Angel Nicholas

I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday. Today I am joined by the lovely Angel Nicholas.

Angel can you tell us a little about you?

I’m a mother of four, grandmother to one, and happily owned by three kitties. Yes, three. The last one I brought home, a Maine Coone mix, was an unintentional addition, I swear! I’m passionate about books, coffee, good wine, heels that are higher than is necessarily wise, the seashore, and complicated villains. Who doesn’t love Count Olaf? 😉

Can you tell us about your new book?

Sweet Deception is the story of a quiet young woman who does something out of character, and her entire life is changed as a result. Ally Thompson is helpless to resist her attraction to the brusque detective who repeatedly saves her, until she discovers she’s capable of saving herself. The confident woman she becomes wants it all, and Detective Greg Marsing has to decide if he’s willing to let the ghosts of the past decide his future. Reviewers have called it a sophisticated contemporary thriller, a sophisticated thriller with realistic characters, and just plain “HAWT!”

What is your favourite place to write?

Honestly, I’ll write anywhere. Which is a good thing, because with the distractions of everyday life, I have to! For particularly emotional scenes, I often retreat to my bedroom, where I turn my floor fan on high for white noise and threaten my munchkins with a gruesome demise if they interrupt me. Unless it involves copious amounts of blood, protruding bones, or my youngest daughter’s blood glucose (she’s diabetic), don’t so much as breathe on my door! 🙂

Where do you get your character inspiration from?

Everywhere! An off-hand comment overheard in the supermarket, co-workers, friends, family, the news…nobody is safe! Even dreams can be fodder for my muse. In fact, it was a persistent dream that finally got me writing again.

What are your 3 desert island books?

Only three?!! Yikes! Any of Jayne Ann Kretnz’ books would work, Susanna Kearsley’s The Rose Garden, and Karen Marie Moning’s Darkfever.

What is your favourite place to read?

Like writing, I’ll read anywhere. My favorite place would have to be curled up on the sofa with my kitties snuggled close and a glass of wine nearby.

What is your favourite book and why?

That’s like asking me which is my favorite child! I honestly couldn’t name just one. There are so many authors to enjoy, and each has such a unique voice. Plus, I enjoy different books for different reasons. Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series, for example, is incredibly evocative and thought-provoking. Susanna Kearsley takes you on an amazing journey through the centuries with characters you come to care for so deeply that you cry along with them and hate when the book ends. Romantic suspense authors are a topic unto themselves!

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Gosh, I can’t recall. 😉 Spending time with my children is a top priority, of course. I also enjoy knitting, crocheting, heirloom sewing, scrapbooking, travel, hiking, camping, and lounging poolside, though I haven’t done any of that in far too long.

Chocolate or sweets?

Yes, please. I’m an unabashed foodie, with a preference for decadent food made from scratch.

Is there a book you wished you wrote?

Nope. The romance community has such an environment of supportive warmth that I couldn’t possibly wish I’d written someone else’s book, due to beautiful writing or awe-inspiring success. I want to see everyone in the #1 spot, with readers raving about their brilliance!

You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

Wow. Where wouldn’t I go?!! Hmm… Eze, France. It’s a fortified medieval village with a magnificent view of the Mediterranean from it’s cobblestoned streets and striking ancient hotels, not too far from Nice.

What is your favourite season?

Fall, when the air is crisp, leaves crunch beneath your feet, and the promise of the coming holidays brings a smile to everyone’s lips.

Where can we find you?

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/_AngelNicholas

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAngelNicholas

Blog/Website:  http://www.angelnicholas.com

Other:  google.com/+AngelNicholas

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