Happy New Year! Whether 2018 was a fab year for you or a difficult one its time to start again. A new year, a fresh page. It’s a time to reflect on our mistakes and see how we can improve ourselves for 2019.
With this in mind its time for me to talk about my bookish challenges for the new year…

I love a Goodreads Challenge. In 2018 my challenge was to read 80 books and I read 106 books so this year I am going to go for 100

My TBR pile is crazy big. I can’t talk about how big so this year I am going to do my

Last year I managed to increase my netgalley % by 3%. I also read 77 books that were from Netgalley. This year I want to increased that to 85.

In 2018 I really got into audiobooks and I want to keep this going so I’m joining the 2019 Audiobooks challenge run by Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer. I’m going to pledge 20 audiobooks for this challenge.

Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I always have so many books I want to read. I am going to aim for 10 Christmas books this year.

Another thing I want to achieve it to put my kindle down and read some paperbacks. This year I’m going to try for 10 paperbacks.
So these are my challenges for the year. What challenges are you signing up for? Let me know in the comments.
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