Also by this author: I Heart New York, I Heart Hollywood, I Heart Paris, I Heart Vegas
Series: I Heart #5
Also in this series: I Heart New York, I Heart Hollywood, I Heart Paris, I Heart Vegas
Published by Harper on 7th June 2012
Genres: Chicklit
Pages: 336
Format: eBook
Source: I bought it
Amazon Kindle, Audible

The perfect London read for this summer!
Angela’s back on home turf – and in her biggest romantic scrape yet…
Angela Clark has fallen in love with New York – and it’s starting to love her back.
But when she’s summoned home to London, she’s at risk of losing her shiny new life to never-ending English rain, warm beer and bad memories. Talk about stepping back in time
There’s Mark, the ex-boyfriend – who she ran to New York to get away from.
There’s Louisa, her best friend, with her terrifying new baby.
And there’s her mum, still talking to her as though she’s fifteen.
Now there’s a wedding in the offing – and everyone remembers how well Angela behaved at the last one. . . Can the arrival of boyfriend Alex and best friend Jenny save her from a re-run of her old self?
I had such a long wait for this book but I have to say it was most definitely worth it.
It was great to see Angela go back to London after all the time she has not only spent in NY but the other countries she has visited too. After such a long time away Angela knows she must face her past but to be honest she would rather keep sweeping it under the carpet like she has done all this time. When she does face her past though I really enjoyed seeing Angela putting Mark in his place. It was also nice to see more of her with her family and Louisa oh, and little Grace.
I think my favourite part was the date with Alex. The day at the Zoo and then the picnic on the hill. It was so romantic, obviously apart from ‘baby gate’. Being a born and bred Londoner I really enjoyed seeing it through Alex’s eyes.
In a strange way I actually enjoyed Jenny and Craig’s relationship and would like to see where this goes. Also I would love to see James and Graham together in the future they would make a really sweet couple.
I loved all the ideas for the garden wedding the fairy lights, the flowers, little cupcakes for the wedding cake it really came alive for me. The wedding was beautiful and really had me tearing up.
I really hope there’s another book, and soon.
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