Blog Tour Review: Just Like..

Posted 4th August 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Just Like Rebecca

Phoebe’s new role at work is keeping her busier than ever. Just as she’s finding her feet, however, new boss, Dixon, lands a bombshell: Hendry’s toy store is in dire financial straits and it’s up to him and Phoebe to save it. This isn’t exactly what she signed up for […]

Blog Tour Review: Discoveri..

Posted 29th July 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Discovering Delilah

Thank you to JB for letting me take part in this tour. As I’m sure you know I really enjoy Melissa’s books and I was extremely excited about her new series Harborside. I adored Catching Cassidy but I was nervous about reading Discovering Delilah. I had never read a romance […]

Review: The Phoenix Shadow

Posted 28th July 2015
Review: The Phoenix Shadow

When the walls of lies begin closing in, who do you trust?There is nothing worse than failure, especially one that results in your school being attacked by a ruthless enemy. Still reeling from the aftermath of the previous night, Sam and her cousins must deal with another crisis: Alexia has […]

Blog Tour Review: Secrets A..

Posted 26th July 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm

Firstly thank you to Tay and Rebecca for letting me take part in this tour. I love Rebecca’s books and I was thrilled to be one of the first to read Secrets At Maple Syrup Farm. This story begins with Lucy visiting her mum in hospital. While we know that she […]

Q&A with Amy Lynch

Posted 23rd July 2015
Q&A with Amy Lynch

1) Tell us a little about you.. I’m an Irish author, living with my husband, two young children and two rescue dogs. I work part time for a children’s charity and write in the evenings. In between laundry piles and school lunches I make time for my passion, which is writing. […]

Q&A with Victoria Brow..

Posted 21st July 2015
Q&A with Victoria Browne

Today I am excited to share with you my interview with Victoria Browne. 1) Tell us a little about you Qualifying as a dental nurse I worked in Harley Street London, before moving into the world of real estate. During this time I also qualified as a mortgage broker and eventually opened my […]

2nd Blog Birthday

Posted 20th July 2015
Blog Birthday

I can’t believe I’ve had this little book blog for 2 years now. It seems so crazy. I started it on a whim. I didn’t think anyone would ever want to read it and I didn’t expect it to grow like it has. To be truthful I thought I would […]

Book News: Maple Syrup Farm..

Posted 19th July 2015
Book News
Book News: Maple Syrup Farm Release Weekend Blitz

Maple sugar kisses… Lucy would do anything for her mom…but she never expected to end up promising to leave her. After her mom got sick, Lucy dropped everything to take care of her, working all hours in a greasy diner just to make ends meet and spending every spare moments […]

Book News: M9B Two for Thur..

Posted 16th July 2015
Book News
Book News: M9B Two for Thursday Book Blitz – The Looking Glass by Jessica Arnold and Of Breakable Things by A. Lynden Rolland

M9B Two for Thursday Book Blitz – The Looking Glass by Jessica Arnold and Of Breakable Things by A. Lynden Rolland with Giveaway #T4T Welcome to this week’s Two for Thursday Book Blitz #T4T presented by Month9books/Tantrum Books! Today, we will be showcasing two titles that may tickle your fancy, […]

Review: The Prophecies

Posted 14th July 2015
Review: The Prophecies

THE WORLD IS A BIG PLACE, WILL EVE REALLY BE THE ONE TO SAVE IT? Eve grows stronger and more powerful every day as she strives to ensure she is ready to face her destiny. But some of her gifts are unwelcome. Eve’s visions of the future become darker and […]