Author: Holly Seddon

Book News: Don’t Clos..

Posted 4th January 2018
Book News, Q&A
Book News: Don’t Close Your Eyes Release Day

Happy Thursday! I hope you are all having a good new year! Today I am thrilled to  be joined by Holly to celebrate the paperback release day of her book Don’t Close Your Eyes. So Holly, tell us a little about you I’m a British author, living in Amsterdam. I […]

Book News: Don’t Clos..

Posted 13th November 2017
Book News
Book News: Don’t Close Your Eyes Cover Reveal

Robin and Sarah weren’t the closest of twins. They weren’t even that similar. But they loved each other dearly. Until, in the cruellest of domestic twists, they were taken from one another.  Now, in her early 30s, Robin lives alone. Agoraphobic and suffering from panic attacks, she spends her days […]