Blog Tour Review: Keeper of..

Demi Redding has used her powers to vanquish demons for years, but when one shows up next door she will be forced to set both her experience and instincts aside […]
Demi Redding has used her powers to vanquish demons for years, but when one shows up next door she will be forced to set both her experience and instincts aside […]
Thank you to Jenny for letting me take part in this tour. I have previously read 2 of Gina’s books and I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. Gina has a […]
Ok where to start…..I enjoyed this book and it has everything you need for a great paranormal read. It has magic, mystery, demons and a dollop of romance. Bryn has […]
Can curses really live outside of fairy tales? At Winter Solstice something came for the Penningtons and tore their family apart. On the same day, thirteen years later, daughters Iysobel […]