Author Services: Squeeze Play Blog Tour Round Up

Posted 5th November 2017 by Emma in Author Services, Blog Tours / 0 Comments

Author Services: Squeeze Play Blog Tour Round Up

Author Services: Squeeze Play Blog Tour Round UpSqueeze Play by Aven Ellis
Also by this author: Connectivity, Waiting For Prince Harry, Chronicles of a Lincoln Park Fashionista, Survivng the Rachel
Series: Washington DC Soaring Eagles #1
Also in this series: Squeeze Play, Swing and a Miss, A Complete Game, Caught Looking
on 25th October 2017
Pages: 306
Amazon KindleAudible

Full of enthusiasm, recent graduate Hayley Carter is thrilled to be working for a non-profit organization in Washington, DC. Having spent a lot of her life in the background due to family circumstances, Hayley is eager to step up and be heard—and bring much needed change to her new organization. With romance on the shelf, it’s time to focus on herself and new career. Armed with a workbook to help her improve on a personal and professional level, Hayley is ready to become a better version of who she already is.
But will a baseball player for the Washington Soaring Eagles challenge her thoughts on not only dating, but the person she thinks she needs to be?
Brody Jensen is the new catcher for the professional team in DC. Baseball is everything to Brody and has been his salvation while growing up. Brody wants to make the most of his full-time shot behind the plate. Which means no serious relationships.
However, when a chance encounter leads him to Hayley, Brody finds himself wanting to know all about the beautiful blonde who has engaged him from the moment he spotted her. Together, they find themselves questioning the ideals they had set for not only relationships, but themselves, too.
When the cherry blossoms bloom in the nation's capital, Cupid puts a squeeze play on Hayley and Brody. Will they be brave enough to love themselves and each other? Will love be called out? Or will their relationship be safe at home?

A big thank you to everyone who took part in the tour. If you missed any of the posts I have all the links below for you.

Polished and Bubbly

Simona’s Corner of Dreams

Smutty Book Friends

Rachel’s Random Reads

M’s Bookshelf

The Writing Garnet

Always Books

Donna’s Book Blog

Star Crossed Reviews

About Aven Ellis

I live in the Dallas area with my family. I enjoy clipping out recipes I will never get around to trying, working out, and chatting with friends on social media. I’m a hockey nut (Go Stars!) and watch as much as humanly possible. I also love shopping and fashion and admit to being obsessed with whatever the Duchess of Cambridge is wearing. In addition to be obsessed with the Duchess, I’m equally obsessed with any show or cookbook featuring Gordon Ramsay.

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