Tag: Winter

Book News: The Little Books..

Posted 16th October 2015
Book News
Book News: The Little Bookshop on the Seine Release Day Blitz

La Vie En Rose Bookshop owner Sarah Smith has been offered the opportunity to exchange bookshops with her new Parisian friend for 6 months! And saying yes is a no-brainer – after all, what kind of a romantic would turn down a trip to Paris…for Christmas? Even if it does […]

Book News:The Little Booksh..

Posted 7th October 2015
Book News
Book News:The Little Bookshop on the Seine Cover Reveal

Le Vie En Rose Bookshop owner Sarah Smith has been offered the opportunity to exchange bookshops with her new Parisian friend for 6 months! And saying yes is a no-brainer – after all, what kind of a romantic would turn down a trip to Paris…for Christmas? Even if it does […]

Review: A Place for Us Part..

Posted 3rd October 2015
Review: A Place for Us Part 4

The FOURTH and FINAL of four exclusive part-serialisations of a A Place for Us by Harriet Evans. Steal a march on everyone and enjoy this magnificent conclusion to a beautiful novel. The day Martha Winter decided to tear apart her family began like any other day. So opens A Place […]

Blog Tour Review: Lilac Cot..

Posted 26th September 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Lilac Cottage

Thank you to Holly for letting me take part in this tour. I have been a big fan of Holly for a while now and I was overjoyed when she asked if I wanted to take part in this tour. This story begins with Penny waiting for her lodgers. Penny […]

Book News: Christmas at Lil..

Posted 25th September 2015
Book News
Book News: Christmas at Lilac Cottage Chapter Reveal

Chapter 1 The timer went off on the oven and Penny quickly dropped her sketch book and grabbed her oven gloves. Opening the oven door released a waft of gorgeous, rich fruity smells into the kitchen, making Penny smile with excitement. The mince pies looked golden, crisp and perfectly done. […]

Review: A Place For Us Part..

Posted 14th September 2015
Review: A Place For Us Part 1

This book has been on my TBR pile for a while and as part of the Netgalley challenge I’m taking part in I thought it was high time I read it. I have previously read 2 books by Harriet but have many more on my wishlist. This book has quite […]

Q&A with Amy Lynch

Posted 23rd July 2015
Q&A with Amy Lynch

1) Tell us a little about you.. I’m an Irish author, living with my husband, two young children and two rescue dogs. I work part time for a children’s charity and write in the evenings. In between laundry piles and school lunches I make time for my passion, which is writing. […]

Book News: Maple Syrup Farm..

Posted 19th July 2015
Book News
Book News: Maple Syrup Farm Release Weekend Blitz

Maple sugar kisses… Lucy would do anything for her mom…but she never expected to end up promising to leave her. After her mom got sick, Lucy dropped everything to take care of her, working all hours in a greasy diner just to make ends meet and spending every spare moments […]

Review: Pippa’s Corni..

Posted 2nd July 2015
Review: Pippa’s Cornish Dream

I was lucky enough to interview Debbie as part of HI Fortnight and I was thrilled when she offered this book for review. I had previously read Cold Feet at Christmas and loved it. This book starts with Pippa having an independant woman moment which I found hilarious. Pippa is […]

Blog Tour: Spelled

Posted 18th May 2015
Blog Tours, Book News
Blog Tour: Spelled

Talk about unhappily ever after. Dorthea is completely princed out. Sure being the crown princess of Emerald has its perks—like Glenda Original ball gowns and Hans Christian Louboutin heels. But a forced marriage to the not-so-charming prince Kato is so not what Dorthea had in mind for her enchanted future. […]