Happy New Year!
It’s not only the start of a new year but also the start of a new decade! It’s time to let go of 2019 and begin afresh!

So, it’s time to announce how I am going to challenge myself in 2020. I am going to have these core challenges this year but I might join in some others over the year. I will update my 2020 Challenge progress page if I decide to do any others.
Goodreads 2020

I am doing pretty well with the 100 books a year so I am going to stick with that for 2020. If I do more great but if I stick at 100 then I’ll be happy too.
Netgalley 2020

In 2019 I increased my netgalley % to 28 but I really really want to get into the 30s this year so I am going to challenge myself to read 70 netgalley books this year.
Christmas 2020

Christmas is my favourite time of year but its also one of the busiest! With parties and family to visit its not always the easiest time to read. I did pretty well with my Christmas challenge in 2019 so for 2020 I want to read 20 Christmas books. I always have so many to read I am going to have to start a lot earlier this year.
Beat the Backlist 2020
My Backlist is out of control! Last year I made a small dent in it but this year I want to keep chipping away at it so I am going to challenge myself to read 20 books. Why don’t you join in too?
Audiobooks 2020
Audiobooks are still newish to me. Last year I read 21 but I really want to up that this year so I am going to put this one at 30 books.
So that’s all my challenges for now. Are you joining in with any? Let me know in the comments what challenges your going to do in 2020!
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