Christmas Q&A with…ME

Posted 24th December 2014 by Emma in Q&A / 1 Comment

Christmas Q&A with...ME

Firstly thank you to everyone who took part in my Christmas Q&A’s. I am extremely grateful to you all. I love Christmas and it was my pleasure to share the excitement with all of you. As it’s Christmas Eve I thought I would let you all know a bit more about me and my thoughts on Christmas.

1) Tell me a little bit about you

Hi I’m Emma. I run this blog and I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half now. I recently changed the name from Chicklit vs Fantasy to Star Crossed Reviews. I think this was the best decision I made all year. When I’m not blogging and reading I’m catching up with friends or watching TV. These last few days I’ve become addicited to Scandal and I think everyone should watch it.

2) What do you love about Christmas?

I love spending time with friends and family and I love finding that perfect gift for someone (I’m not very good at it so when it happens I’m usually overjoyed)

3) What do you hate about Christmas?

the wrapping. I know lots of people say the shopping but I usually do most of it online but I’ve just finished wrapping half of my presents and I want to kill someone right now.

4) What is your favourite Christmas book?

That is a hard decision….I’ve been reading more and more Christmas books and I love them all. I think my problem is I love Christmas so any book set around Christmas I am going to love.

5) What is your favourite Christmas song?

Another hard decision. When I was younger (and singler…yes it’s a word now…) it was Mariah Carey All I want for Christmas but now I’ve grown to like Fairytale of New York. Although I do like this other one I think it’s called New York City Christmas.

6) What was your best Christmas?

I have a big family so Christmas’ have always been spent with them and while we fight and we argue like all families do at Christmas we try just for one day to be nice to each other but my best Christmas is the last one I spent with my mum. I don’t really remember Christmas day but I remember getting to spend NYE with her back in our house. She had been sick for a little while and I was the only one allowed to go with her and my uncle to our house.

7) What was your best Christmas present?

these curlers I got when I was younger. I don’t remember what they were called now but it was pink and I spent all day curling my hair.

8) What was your worst Christmas present?

I haven’t had any really terrible presents but I have the odd generic smellies. I don’t mind smellies if the person knows what I like. This year I got some Body Shop smellies in a Secret Santa but I love body shop so I was pretty happy with that but I’ve got generic picked up at the supermarket not even thought about smellies before which are pretty dull.

9) Describe your ideal Christmas

My ideal Christmas would be spent with my Boyfriend, my parents, my brothers and their kids. I have 2 nephews and a niece my niece and my oldest nephew are just getting to the point where they understand what Christmas is which is really fun.

10) What do you want for Christmas this year?

This year I have asked for Sensationail which is this gel nail kit so you can do them at home. one of my friends has it and it is amazing! I have asked my brother for some PJ’s and other than that I would love kindle vouchers for books.

So this is the end of the Christmas Q&A’s I hope everyone has enjoyed them and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

One response to “Christmas Q&A with…ME

  1. Thank you for having me on your blog, it was a pleasure and good fun to answer your questions. Here’s to more collaboration with you and fellow bloggers in 2015.

    Dawn xx

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