Hello to celebrate the release of Faded Perfection I am joined by Cassandra to learn a little more about her…
Tell us a little about you
My name is Cassandra Giovanni, and yes, that’s my real name. Everyone calls me Cassie, and I’ve been writing since I was a small child. I write everything — children’s illustrated, Young Adult and Adult– my personal mantra is write with your heart or don’t write at all. I work full time as a Financial Marketer and write and publish in my spare time (what there is of it).
Tell us about your new book
This novel follows up Flawed Perfection, where River and Adam are left broken and struggling. The novel is about rising above pain, depression and being strong for yourself above anyone else and learning that doesn’t make you a bad person.
What is your favourite place to write
Anywhere that I can.
Where do you get your character inspiration from?
Usually a dream I’ve had. I see the characters, the way they interact and then write a story around who they are.
What are your 3 desert island books?
Emma by Jane Austen, Finishing School Series by Gail Carriger and Harry Potter by JK Rowling.
What is your favourite place to read?
Outside on the porch.
What is your favourite book and why?
Emma by Jane Austen. I love how Emma is so stubborn and wants to help her friends but doesn’t realize she’s in love with Knightley. She’s sassy and caring and I love that.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I longboard dance and do recurve target archery (nothing with a face).
Chocolate or sweets?
Is there a book you wished you wrote?
Not really. I just want to keep writing my own books.
You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?
What is your favourite season?
Where can we find you?
Twitter @cgiovanniauthor
Blog/Website www.cgiovanniauthor.com
Other: instagram @cgiovanniauthor
That’s all it takes to have everything ripped away from you.
No one knows this better than Adam Beckerson and River Ahlers.
Each is fighting a losing battle with the death of Bobby and the fallout it causes. Adam loses a brother; River her best friend.
And while Adam finds himself fading into the bottom of a bottle, River finds the only thing she can do is run away from everything– including Adam.
Sometimes when you lose everything, you lose yourself. The important part is finding your way back again.

Someone had to do this, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be Adam. I breathed in and closed my eyes, only opening them as I exhaled and put one foot in front of the other. The key was hot from the heat of my body as it shook its way into the door knob. The metal clunked, and the wooden door swung open, leaving me staring at the empty room once filled with happiness. My eyes rushed over it as my mind flashed with memories, and my feet somehow continued in–all the way to Bobby’s bedroom door. My chest constricted and stars popped in my vision as I swung it open. I found myself blinking rapidly as my eyes wandered the room, stopping on the dresser where frames contained pictures of Adam and me, Bobby and me, the three of us, and then Tara and Bobby. My feet yet again propelled me forward, but I stopped as I breathed in, choking on the air.
My body warmed as my chin trembled and I breathed in again.
There it was again.
Bobby. The room smelled like him.
My eyelashes fluttered against my cheeks as the scent encircled me. Bath and Body Works’ Twilight Woods. The cologne we picked together when we were twelve. For fifteen years he’d worn it, even after Tara told him she hated it.
My eyes opened and moved to the hockey jersey hanging half out of a drawer–exactly where he left it that morning. My knees shook, and I found myself sitting on the bed staring at it. I reached forward, and the worn fabric embraced me as I brought it up to my chest. I pursed my lips together as the tears gathered and I pulled the jersey over my head, engulfing myself in his scent–it was embedded into this clothes despite constant washing. In my memories, his laughter carried through the room. It wasn’t the first time I wore one of his jerseys. I closed my eyes and curled into a ball on his bed.
“So you remember it too?” Bobby’s voice reached my ears, and the darkness behind my lids drifted away, parting until it was him and me in the tree house. I sat up on the bed, looking at him as he smirked at me from the edge of it. “See the thing is, I imagined it like this–you know? You practically naked;” his teeth ran over his bottom lip as his eyes ran up my legs, barely covered by my sleeping shorts. “in my jersey.”
He moved forward and his hand cupped my chin as his thumb caught a tear. “You weren’t crying in my fantasies, though. You cry so much now, Riv. I don’t want you to cry.”
I closed my eyes as my vision blurred from the weight of them, burdened by the false warmth of his touch.
“I’ve lost myself just as much as I’ve lost you,” I whispered, trying to memorize the feeling of his soft hands against my skin. So caring and loving when everything seemed so cold now. “All my dreams are shattered without you.”
Bobby’s hands reached for my face, turning it, so I was looking at him. He was beginning to waiver in and out, and panic burned its way up my throat.
He was going to leave.
But this was so real.
“Please don’t leave,” I said, and the tears and clenching of my throat made the words as physically painful as they were emotional.
“I thought all my dreams shattered when I found out Adam was with you–and it was over for me–that I didn’t have any more chances. My dreams realigned, though, Riv–they changed, refit into even better dreams. I expect you to do the same,” he said, and he was fading faster; his body just a wisp and his touch a mere warmth with nothing substantial behind it.
“But Adam–“
“You’ll figure out what to do, it might be hard, but in the end, it will work out. You and him are what’s left of me. Remember that. Together you make me whole,” he said, and his lips reached for my cheek, sending heat through my body as he disappeared.
“Bobby!” I yelled, and suddenly I was sitting straight up in the bed sobbing, the warmth of his lips against my cheek a stinging pain. I leaned back, pulling my knees to my chest and cried until the darkness consumed me.
This time, Bobby’s warmth didn’t return.
Cassandra doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character’s stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with their dogs, Bubski and Kanga.
Cassandra Giovanni is published by Show n’ot Tell Publishing based out of Connecticut, USA
Love Exactly
Walking in the Shadows
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