Review: No-one Ever Has Sex in the Suburbs

Posted 23rd October 2017 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: No-one Ever Has Sex in the SuburbsNo-One Ever Has Sex in the Suburbs by Tracy Bloom
Also by this author: No-one Ever Has Sex on a Tuesday, No-one Ever Has Sex on Christmas Day, The Last Laugh, Dinner Party
Series: No-one ever has sex #2
Also in this series: No-one Ever Has Sex on Christmas Day, No-one Ever Has Sex at a Wedding, No-one Ever Has Sex on Holiday
on 23rd June 2015
Pages: 400
Amazon KindleAudible
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Ben and Katy haven’t had sex since Ben found out about her one-night stand with her childhood sweetheart, Matthew.

Not only that but the arrival of a new-born baby has blown their relationship apart like a hand grenade.

Drastic measures are required, so they swap roles hoping that everyone will be happier… Only it’s not as easy as they thought. When a desperate Ben starts secretly accepting help to solve his childcare disasters – from Matthew’s wife – it could mean the end of everything. Can their relationship survive the lies and suspicions and will they ever have sex again?

After reading No-one Ever Has Sex on a Tuesday I immediately picked up this book. It kicks off right where the previous book left off with baby Millie just being born.

If you thought that the first book was funny wait until you read this one. It had me in tears of laughter. I absolutely love Ben and Braindead’s relationship. The conversations that they have in this book will have you laughing so loud. The coffee shop scene has to be my favourite part of the book.

With Katy back at work, Ben had opted to be a stay at home dad. He thinks it will be a doddle. He gets to sit at home and watch day time TV with his little girl who is nothing but happy around him. By the end of the first day Ben realises that this is anything but easy.

The story is again very easy to relate to. I don’t have any children myself but I know friends that do and I have a few nephews and a niece so the story line wasn’t alien to me. I raced through this one in a day. I literally couldn’t put it down. I just kept turning and turning and then all of a sudden I couldn’t believe I was at the end. I gave myself a bathroom break and picked up my ARC copy of No-one Ever has Sex on Christmas Day.

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Tracy Bloom

Tracy started writing when her cruel, heartless husband ripped her away from her dream job shopping for rollercoasters for the UK’s leading theme parks, to live in America with a brand new baby and no mates. In a cunning plan to avoid domestic duties and people who didn’t understand her Derbyshire accent, she wrote her romantic comedy, NO-ONE EVER HAS SEX ON A TUESDAY. This debut novel went on to be successfully published internationally and became a #1 Best Seller.
Back in the UK she has continued her writing career and has just launched her sixth book.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • Goodreads Challenge (2017)
  • TBR Pile (2017 )

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