Hello and welcome to my first Friday In Focus post. This is a new post that I will be running every Friday and everyone is welcome. Bloggers, authors, readers. The aim of these posts is to promote you guys. So without further ado my first post is from the lovely Aven Ellis and we’re talking New Years Resolutions.
Resolution Time!
January is actually one of my favorite months of the year. Do you know why? Because January always feels like a clean slate. Time to flip the page in the calendar, start fresh, and make some New Year’s resolutions to improve myself. So what do I want to work on in 2016? Oh, I’m so glad you want to know, because I’m going to tell you (ha!)
- Complete a fitness rotation. I love to exercise and manage to get in five a week (on a good week) or one or two (bad week.) But every single time I try to follow a six week rotation, I quit. Either I miss a planned workout and give up, decide I don’t want to be challenged that week, etc. So this year I’m participating in the Jessica Smith Walk Strong 6 Week Transformation System challenge. I’m committed. I’m going to do this. I even bought a fitness journal and having blank pages would be SAD.
- Actually cook something from the 5,102 recipes I have clipped. Okay. I confess. I love clipping and printing recipes. I have stacks of them. Folders of them. Folders in folders of recipes. It’s out of control, but even worse, rarely do I try them. So this year I’m going to not only try some of them, but attempt to ORGANIZE them. This is a frightening prospect. If you don’t ever hear from me again, you can assume I’m buried in a mass pile of pages ripped out of Martha Stewart Living.
- EVERYTHING. Yes, speaking of organization, well…that is not my strong suit. My spices in the pantry are a hot mess. (Example-I accidentally put garam masala in my smoothie one morning because I thought I had grabbed cinnamon. That turned out to be an interesting breakfast, let me tell you.) My closet is not sorted by color. I’m always losing my glasses. You get the idea. I did buy a book on organization two years ago. Yes TWO YEARS ago. My resolution is to actually read it this year. J
- Get more sleep. Gah, as a chronic insomniac, I have to work on sleeping. I’m going to try a diffuser and oils this year to see if that helps. If not I’ll go back to watching On The Fly on the NHL Network because watching hockey players is an effective use of my waking hours, right? Right!
- Complete two more novels this year. I’ve just completed Trivial Pursuits, the second in my Chicago on Ice Series, and I plan to release two more books this year-On Thin Ice, Dallas Demons #4, and Green Tea Latte To Go, the first book in my new romantic comedy series. Very excited about writing both of them and definitely can’t wait to get started in 2016.
Thank you Aven for the wonderful post. Here’s a little about one of Aven’s book which I just love.

Also by this author: Connectivity, Waiting For Prince Harry, Chronicles of a Lincoln Park Fashionista, Survivng the Rachel
Series: Chicago on Ice #1
Also in this series: The Aubrey Rules , Trivial Pursuits, Save the Date, The Bottom Line
Published by Soulmate Publishing on 26th August 2015
Pages: 261
Amazon Kindle, Audible
Some of the Aubrey Rules to Live By:
*If I’m going to indulge in French fries, I must add extra time to the treadmill the next day. *Always keep your work and private life separate. *Being open to new experiences will never involve eating kale. *Never, ever date a professional athlete.
For Chicago social media professional Aubrey Paige, the rules are everything. So much so that Aubrey has painstakingly written her rules for living into a polka-dot Kate Spade notebook that she carries with her at all times. It’s her personal guidebook to living her life. These rules are the Holy Grail—ones never to be broken. They guide her actions for everything, from dealing with workplace drama to finding a great guy to date. After all, these are her own rules, built from her life experiences and observations. So they have to be perfect, right?
Or are they?
Because when Aubrey meets a cute Canadian, she suddenly finds her rules being tested and challenged in ways she never dreamed possible. Beckett Riley is the shy, quiet, determined captain of the Chicago Buffaloes, a hockey team on the verge of turning the corner to becoming a winning organization. He’s Aubrey's opposite, with so many qualities that Aubrey had listed as ones she’d never want in a man.
Yet Aubrey finds herself drawn to Beckett in ways she’s never known. And when she unexpectedly finds herself working with Beckett, she wonders if rules are meant to be broken after all . . .
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