Morning, morning. Today I have a treat for you. Cast your minds back to January and remember my review of the wonderful Hoplessely Devoted to Holden Finn (The blurb and info is below incase not).

Also by this author: Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn, The Man Who Can't Be Moved, Mishaps and Mistletoe, Little Acts of Love
Published by LAW on 30th January 2014
Genres: Chicklit, Fiction, General, Humour, Love & Romance
Pages: 276
Amazon Kindle, Audible
There’s only one man for Bonnie, and that’s Holden Finn. The problem is that Holden Finn is a twenty-three-year-old pop megastar with his boy band, Every Which Way, who doesn’t even know she exists. Not only that, but half the women of the world want to be Mrs Finn, including Bonnie’s teenage daughter, Paige. But the real men in Bonnie’s life only let her down, and a man that you can never have can never let you down… right? When Paige wins a radio competition to meet Holden and his band, it seems all that is set to change. Bonnie is about to find out that you should be careful what you wish for, and that happiness can come in the most unexpected shape…
Well today we have a wonderful little extra for you today. During my research for Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn, I happened across this letter from Bonnie to Holden. Actually, it was two halves of a letter that had been torn apart. There were some tea stains on it too and it smelt vaguely of sardines, so I can only assume it was retrieved from the bin. I can’t divulge my source, but it is enough to say that she is very close to Bonnie and so I know for certain that this is a 100% genuine letter. It goes without saying that once I had taped it back together I removed the address details. I hope Bonnie doesn’t mind me sharing it; I know for a fact that Holden won’t (all press is good press, he says) and Bonnie is in a place now where all this must seem like a distant memory.
Dear Holden
I bet you get a hundred letters like this a day. Actually, I don’t suppose you get letters at all, I suppose you get emails and tweets and fan art. I wonder how many jars of peanut butter you get every week. Not to mention all the jelly babies, Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and Tiger Beer. What I’m trying to say is that although this is going to be the sort of thing you get all the time, and there is no reason why my letter should stand out from all the other messages and gifts you get, I hope it does.
There’s no way to say this other than to tell you that I think about you all the time. It sounds stupid, huh? You’re young and rich and famous. I’m a single mother, working in a fruit and veg shop, whose best years are probably behind her. But I watched a film the other day about two people who lived in completely different worlds, yet fate threw them together and they ended up in love. It’s unlikely, but it can happen.
I wanted to say that if we met, I’m sure we’d get along. In fact, more than get along. I’d love to think that we would be so good for each other. I’d respect your public life and I’d stand quietly in the wings, offering my support and looking after you whenever you needed it. I’m not after fame or money, and I never will be. I imagine that’s hard for you to believe, but it’s true.
You’ll probably never even get this letter. I suppose you have a whole office full of people who sort through the fan mail and put all the bunny boiler letters in the bin. I’m sure they’ll consider this to be one of them. But if you do happen to read it, I can assure you that no rabbit has ever ended up on my stove. Possibly on my Mum’s once or twice, but that’s another story. Ok, I’m wandering from the point – I do that when I’m anxious.
My address and phone number is on the top of this letter and my photos are on Facebook (after all, you’d want to see what I looked like before you met me). I’d love to get a call or a letter or any kind of message you had time for.
Love, Bonnie. x
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