New Year New Reads Update #1

Posted 5th January 2014 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

So we are 5 days into the New Year New Reads Challenge and I’m really enjoying it. So far I have one review published, link below, and one scheduled for a few days time.  So 2 out of five already, which is excellent. I hope you are all enjoying the challenge too.

  1. [1 Jan] Rowena's Key by A.J Nuest ★★★★
  2. [2 Jan] With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent ★★★★★
  3. [2 Jan] Goodbye 2013
  4. [3 Jan] Happy 2014!
  5. [3 Jan] 2014 Challenges
  6. [4 Jan] The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith ★★★★
  7. [5 Jan] New Year New Reads Update #1

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