Q&A With…Aimee Brown

Posted 21st November 2017 by Emma in Q&A / 0 Comments

Today I have a #TueadayTreat for you. I am joined by Aimee Brown for a little Q&A Session

Tell us a little about you

I’m Aimee Brown, author of Little Gray Dress (and an upcoming title I can’t quite share yet). I’ve been married 20+ years, have three older teenagers, a house full of pets, and live in cold Montana. I write romantic comedy novels and love shopping for vintage anything for my home.

Can you summarise your new book?

Little Gray Dress is filled with weddings, engagements, break-ups, secrets, romance, and laugh out loud moments.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

Getting started! For me the hardest part of writing is the first five chapters. I feel like if you can’t grab the reader in at least five chapters, you’ll definitely lose them. So, knocking out the best ones I can is a lot of pressure at times.

Where do you get your character inspiration from?

Their names. I love browsing through names sites and Pinterest. When I find a name I feel like a piece of the character comes to life and from there I can create my character outline and know exactly who this person is and where they will fit in a story.

What is your favourite place to read?

I’d like to say on a palm tree-lined beach somewhere but, I live in Montana. So, I guess my favorite chair in the corner of my living room would be my next fav. I can pretty much tune out any background noise and ignore my family if need be.

Chocolate or sweets?

I’m a chocoholic for sure, but every once in a while, something salty or non-chocolate will call my name. I’m not too picky when it comes to sugar. LOL (which is probably a bad thing)

You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

So many places come to mind! Hawaii, Greece, Italy, England, Ireland, Bora Bora, I could list dozens of places I’d love to visit.

What is your favourite season?

Summer!! I love the sun, warm breezes, long days, and warm afternoons. I only get about 6 weeks of summer in Montana so I treasure every second!

What do you love about writing?

Creating my own world, friends, and laughing at my own jokes. LOL, I truly love living in the world I’ve created and sometimes have a hard time leaving behind the characters I’ve grown to adore.

Is there anything you hate about writing?

Yes, getting started. I have the hardest time committing to a story and have thrown out dozens and dozens of beginning chapters that I felt just weren’t right straight out of the gate. I wish creating my starting point was easier!

Do you have a favourite childhood/teen story/novel?

I do. I’ve read Just as Long as We’re Together, by Judy Blume at least a dozen times throughout my teen years. I absolutely adored it. I should read it again as an adult.

You have a day off – no children/work/responsibilities…what do you do?

This is a sad answer but I probably clean the house and then make myself a cup of coffee and sit down to watch one of my favorite shows on Hulu or Netflix (The Good Place, Will & Grace, Raising Hope, Friends). Relaxation doesn’t come often when you have three kids, a husband of 20 years, three dogs, three cats, and a tank full of fish.

Q&A With…Aimee BrownLittle Gray Dress by Aimee Brown
on 2nd August 2017
Pages: 218
Amazon KindleAudible

Emi Harrison has avoided her ex-fiance, Jack Cabot, for nearly two years. Her twin brother Evan’s wedding is about to end that streak.

From bad bridesmaid’s dresses, a hyperactive sister-in-law, a mean girl with even meaner secrets, and too much to drink, nothing seems to go right for Emi, except when she’s wearing her little gray dress.

When she speed-walks into Liam Jaxon’s bar, things get more complicated. He’s gorgeous, southern, and has no past with Emi. He may be exactly what she needs to prove for the last time that she doesn’t need or want Jack!

Her favorite little gray dress has made an appearance at nearly every major event in Emi’s adult life. Will it make another grand appearance when she least expects it?

About Aimee Brown

Aimee Brown is a writer and avid reader, often blogging her thoughts on chick lit books. Little Gray Dress is her first novel published. She’s currently studying for her Bachelor’s degree in English Writing. She spends much of her time writing her next book, doing homework, raising three teenagers, binge watching shows on Netflix and obsessively cleaning and redecorating her house. She’s fluent in sarcasm and has been known to use far too many swear words.

Aimee grew up in Oregon but is now a transplant living in cold Montana with her husband of twenty years, three teenage children, and many, many pets.

She would love to hear your thoughts on Little Gray Dress! If you want to chat with her she’s very active on social media.

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