Q&A with Victoria Browne

Posted 21st July 2015 by Emma in Q&A / 0 Comments

Today I am excited to share with you my interview with Victoria Browne.

1) Tell us a little about you

Qualifying as a dental nurse I worked in Harley Street London, before moving into the world of real estate. During this time I also qualified as a mortgage broker and eventually opened my own estate agency that I sold in 2012.

I finished writing my first book Gut Feeling in 2009 after a long struggle with dyslexia. With a great deal of determination, I progressed to where I am today, living in Santa Monica LA with my Husband Jon and cat Poppy. I now self publishes through Neville House Publishing and enjoy a full and enriched life

2) Tell us about your new book

This story is about a group of friends who have bonded over the years to form a tight knit group. Sarah a sensible simple soul, Laura bitchy complicated, Beth a ‘too cool for school’ high school teacher, and Jess a funky hairdresser.

Jess meets a new American boyfriend and decides to honey trap him, just to see if he will take the bait. How could such a simple plan go wrong? He will either take the bait or he wont, right?

Just add Jess’s new flat mate, hot sexy Elise to the mix, a few glasses of wine and you have a cocktail fit for disaster – especially when Elise honey traps the wrong boyfriend!

Sarah’s uncomplicated life is jettisoned into chaos. Dan, Sarah’s boyfriend makes some shady life choices. Leaving Sarah to find out who is friend and who is foe!

Wealthy bachelor Lee Preston sets his sights on Sarah and all Lee wants is to make her happy. Life could be fantastic when money is no object and your closet is filled with designer shoes, Oh, and his with secrets.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer… If you know who they are?

Second time lucky? No wait that’s not the saying…

3) What is your favourite place to write?

I write everyday at home on my dining table (not very glam I know.) However I can write anywhere, coffee shops, planes, hotel lobbies, whenever the mood takes me really.

4) Where do you get your character inspiration from?

I have dyslexia and my teachers told me I wouldn’t amount to much, so I based all my characters on the girl I became to some how prove to them that I did amount to something. There is a bit of me in most of my girl characters. I also like to watch people’s mannerisms and base characters on them. In my second book ‘Third Time Lucky – The Honey Trap’, Kevin was based on a guy I saw when I was in Starbucks writing. And the recruitment agent’s receptionist was based on a receptionist in a building I used to visit. I find it easier to draw on something I can visualize or something I do myself.

4) What are your 3 desert island books?

Can you keep a secret by Sophie Kinsella to cheer me up, The girl at the lion d or by Sebastian Faulks to keep me strong, and Lovely bones by Alice Sebold for a good old cry.

5) What is your favourite place to read?

The beach or on my sofa.

6) What is your favourite book and why?

I would have to say Sebastian Faulks ‘Bird Song’ it was my very first audio book and I loved every minute.

7) What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Between reading and writing I Thai Box. It’s a good way to release stress and for self defence too.

8) Chocolate or sweets?

OMG Chocolate

9) Is there a book you wished you wrote?

Yes my next bestseller haha

10) You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

Ah my dream, first class on an Emirates flight to St Barts at a five star hotel with my own butler.

11) What is your favourite season?

Summer, always.

12) Where can we find you?

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Q&A with Victoria BrowneThird Time Lucky - The Honey Trap by Victoria Browne
Published by Neville House Publishing on June 1st 2015
Pages: 232
Amazon KindleAudible

Available @Amazon for eBook and paper back. A fast moving witty chick lit drama that will take you on a journey of laughter and revelations. Good friends Sarah a sensible simple soul, Laura bitchy complicated, Beth a ‘too cool for school’ high school teacher, and Jess a funky hairdresser, decide to honey trap Jess's new American boyfriend Richard. How could such a simple plan go wrong? Just add Jess’s new flat mate, hot sexy Elise to the mix, a few glasses of wine and you have a cocktail fit for disaster – especially when Elise honey traps the wrong boyfriend! Good friends are all Sarah needs when her uncomplicated life is jettisoned into chaos.Dan, Sarah’s boyfriend makes some shady life choices. But who is friend and who is foe? Wealthy bachelor Lee Preston sets his sights on Sarah and all Lee wants is to make her happy. Life could be fantastic when money is no object and your closet is filled with designer shoes, Oh, and his with secrets.

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