Author: June Moonbridge

Book News: At the End of th..

Posted 1st March 2018
Book News
Book News: At the End of the Summer Cover Reveal

Joshua’s life as a rock guitarist seems like a dream come true. Sold out concerts, red carpet events and wild nights portray him as a confident young man with the world at his feet. Only few friends know the scars he carries. When freelance photographer Caroline meets the rock band […]

Book News: All That My Hear..

Posted 19th May 2016
Blog Tours, Book News
Book News: All That My Heart Desires Cover Reveal

At twenty-five, Desire Hart has experienced enough grief for a lifetime. Changing everything in her life – her identity, her hometown and her country of residence, Desire is determined that nothing will prevent her achieving from finding her missing son. Not even love. On a spring evening, she meets the […]