Series: Mishaps in Millrise

Blog Tour Review: And Baby ..

Posted 29th October 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: And Baby Makes Four

Could Phoebe and Jack finally have put their troubles behind them? All is calm at Hendry’s toy store, and Jack’s mother has even developed a grudging respect for Phoebe. If Archie is serious about addressing his issues, then things are really starting to look rosy for the couple again. But […]

Blog Tour Review: The Paren..

Posted 16th September 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: The Parent Trap

Thank you to JB for letting me take part in this tour. I had previously enjoyed Parts 1 and 2 to this story so I knew I had to read the next installment. This book picks up pretty much exactly where the last one left off. Archie is still causing […]

Blog Tour Review: Just Like..

Posted 4th August 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Just Like Rebecca

Phoebe’s new role at work is keeping her busier than ever. Just as she’s finding her feet, however, new boss, Dixon, lands a bombshell: Hendry’s toy store is in dire financial straits and it’s up to him and Phoebe to save it. This isn’t exactly what she signed up for […]

Blog Tour Review: Little Ac..

Posted 2nd June 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Little Acts of Love

Thank you to JB for letting me take part in this tour. I had previously read two of Tilly’s books and as soon as I read the blurb I knew I had to read both this and Mistletoe and Mishaps too. This book picks up four months after Mistletoe and […]