Blog Tour Review: Joe Nuthin’s Guide to Life

Posted 19th July 2024 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

Blog Tour Review: Joe Nuthin's Guide to Life

I received this book for free for a Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour Review: Joe Nuthin’s Guide to LifeJoe Nuthin's Guide to Life by Helen Fisher
Published by Simon & Schuster UK on 9th November 2023
Genres: Contemporary, Fiction
Pages: 429
Format: eBook
Source: for a Blog Tour
Amazon Kindle

Joe loves predictability. But his life is a surprising adventure.
Joe-Nathan likes the two parts of his name separate, just like his dinner and dessert. Mean Charlie at work sometimes calls him Joe-Nuthin. But Joe is far from nothing. Joe is a good friend, he’s good at his job, good at making things and good at following the rules, and he’s learning how to do lots of things by himself. Joe’s mother knows there are a million things in life he isn’t prepared for. While she helps guide him every day, she’s also writing notebooks full of advice about the things she hasn’t told Joe yet, things he might forget and answers to questions he hasn’t yet asked.
Following her wisdom – applying it in his own unique way – this next part of Joe’s life is more of a surprise than he expects. Because he’s about to learn that remarkable things can happen when you leave your comfort zone, and that you can do even the hardest things with a little help from your friends.

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Thank you to Books and the City at Simon and Schuster for letting me take part in this tour and for my copy of this book. I heard a snippet of this book at the Books and the City Showcase event back in February and I loved it. I knew I had to read the rest of this book.

Joe makes you really think about the world and why it is the way it is. Joe-Nathan is a genuine, sweet, wholesome character. I loved him from the first page to the last. He is so much more than people first see. He has his quirks but don’t we all? I loved seeing him push himself and go outside of his routines and comfort zone to discover that change isn’t as scary as you first think.

Helen did an excellent job of weaving in the humour and the seriousness of life. I loved her writing style, it was easy to read and I was just merrily turning page after page enjoying myself. She really showed us that people like Joe are more than what they appear.

The blue and the yellow books were an excellent idea by Janet and I kinda wish I had a yellow book of my own!

I loved all the side characters but Chloe is my favourite. She is the kind of woman that I would love to be. She takes no sh*t and doesn’t care what other’s think. She is fiercely loyal and has the biggest heart. She is such a good friend to Joe and I am so glad he found someone like Chloe.

This is the sort of book that leaves you smiling when you finish that last page. The perfect book to curl up with this summer.


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