Book News: Coming Home to Ottercombe Bay Release Day

Posted 28th June 2018 by Emma in Book News, Q&A / 1 Comment

Book News: Coming Home to Ottercombe Bay Release Day

Happy Thursday guys and Happy Publication Day Bella!!!!

Bella, Can you tell us a little bit about you?

Hi Emma, thanks for having me on your blog today. I’m Bella and I write romantic comedy novels, which are about friendship, love and coping with what life throws at you. As well as writing I enjoy time with my family, eating chocolate, drinking fizz and planning holidays. I live in the Midlands with my husband, daughter and a cat who likes to play fetch.

Can you tell us about Coming Home to Ottercombe Bay?

Coming Home to Ottercombe Bay tells the story of Daisy Wickens who has returned to Ottercombe Bay, the picturesque Devon town where her mother died when she was a girl. She plans to leave as soon as her great uncle’s funeral is over, but Great Uncle Reg had other ideas. He’s left Daisy a significant inheritance – an old building in a state of disrepair, which could offer exciting possibilities, but to get it she must stay in Ottercombe Bay for twelve whole months.

Can you tell us about the characters in this book?

Daisy is a restless soul having spent her formative years moving from place to place with her grieving father. She struggles to quit the nomadic lifestyle she is used to despite the pull of wanting to know more about her mother’s death. Max is Ottercombe Bay born and bred and he’s not ventured much outside of Devon. He’s happy with his lot apart from his father, Pasco, who is a petty crook and charmer who is able to wrap Max around his little finger. Tamsyn, is beyond quirky and has a heart of gold. She sees the good in everything and everyone and has an obsession with fantasy novels and bohemian clothes. Oh and not forgetting the villain of the piece, Bugsy, the black pug who Daisy is sure is hell bent on bumping her off.

Who was the most difficult character to write?

Great Uncle Reg because he is dead. No, seriously. I wanted to get some of his key personality traits across and that’s difficult when the character isn’t on the page so it was a struggle to make sure that references to him, through letters and memories, helped to paint a picture of the man he was and what he meant to Daisy.

What is your favourite place to write?

Our spare bedroom is grandly called my study and this is my little corner where I have all my stuff to hand including far too much stationery and custard creams and this is where I write. I occasionally take the laptop to the dining room for a change of scenery but that’s about it. I did go on a fabulous retreat last year but despite being very well looked after I struggled to settle into the writing. I think my issue was that if I’m away from home then surely I’m on holiday, which obviously I wasn’t. So home is the best place for me to write.

Chocolate or sweets?

Chocolate. I once had a colleague who was religiously eating five pieces of fruit during the day and I matched each piece of fruit with a chocolate bar. It’s not my proudest moment but it was a fun day.

Is there a book you wished you wrote?

There are loads! Harry Potter – obviously. One of my favourites is Life of Pi. It’s so engaging and yet most of the story takes place within a very small space – a boat. Recently I’ve loved Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, which is brilliantly written. It’s a poignant and at times heart-breaking story but it makes you laugh. This is such a skill as a writer.

You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

I love this question! Is it too cheeky to say around the world? How fabulous it would be to do Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, San Francisco, New York and then finish off with a few days of pure relaxation in the Caribbean. Bliss.

Is there anything you hate about writing?

Editing. I love writing the first draft because I have usually been plotting the story for some time and I’m excited to be set free and get it down on paper. But once it’s written I struggle with getting my bum back on the seat to edit it. Often this is because a nice new shiny idea will have popped into my head and I want to get on and write that one. Luckily I work with brilliant editors who make the process as pain free as possible and if someone lays a trail of custard creams I can be coaxed back to the laptop.

Do you have a favourite childhood/teen story/novel?

The One Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith. I’m a huge animal lover so this really grabbed hold of my heart.

You have a day off – no children/work/responsibilities…what do you do?

Sleep zzz zzz zzz I’m very good at it, but you can always do with a bit more practice.

Book News: Coming Home to Ottercombe Bay Release DayComing Home to Ottercombe Bay by Bella Osborne
Also by this author: Build Me Up Buttercup, A Budding Romance, Oopsy Daisy, Rooting for You!
Published by Avon on 28th June 2018
Genres: Chicklit, Humour, Love & Romance
Pages: 400
Amazon KindleAudible

Daisy Wickens has returned to Ottercombe Bay, the picturesque Devon town where her mother died when she was a girl. She plans to leave as soon as her great uncle’s funeral is over, but Great Uncle Reg had other ideas. He’s left Daisy a significant inheritance – an old building in a state of disrepair, which could offer exciting possibilities, but to get it she must stay in Ottercombe Bay for twelve whole months.
With the help of a cast of quirky locals, a few gin cocktails and a black pug with plenty of attitude, Daisy might just turn this into something special. But can she ever hope to be happy among the ghosts of her past?


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About Bella Osborne

Bella has been jotting down stories as far back as she can remember but decided that 2013 would be the year that she finished a full length novel. She’s now written four romantic comedies and been shortlisted twice for the RNA Contemporary Romantic Novel of the Year.
Bella’s stories are about friendship, love and coping with what life throws at you.
She lives in The Midlands, UK with her husband, daughter and a cat who thinks she’s dog. When not writing she’s usually eating custard creams and planning holidays.

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