Book News: Outcast Like Me Cover Reveal

Posted 21st August 2018 by Emma in Book News / 1 Comment

Book News: Outcast Like Me Cover Reveal

Book News: Outcast Like Me Cover RevealOutcast Like Me by Sonya Loveday
Also by this author: The Summer I Fell, Love Always,, Runaway Heart, End Note
Published by Self-Published on 21st September 2018
Genres: Young Adult

They say high school will be the best years of your life.

It’s a lie.

Lexie and Dylan used to be the best of friends. That all changed the summer before freshman year when their mothers skipped town together without explanation.

When the scandal broke and fueled the school rumor mill, it branded Lexie as an outcast. For three excruciatingly long years, she faced endless torment by heartless bullies in her class.

It wasn’t long after his mother left that Dylan ran headlong into a slippery slope of self-destruction. As he rose to the top of the social ladder, he turned his back on Lexie and used bitter resentment to hide his pain.
When the two are forced to spend the summer together, tensions run high, but emotions run higher as the former best friends struggle to navigate the uneasy months ahead. But even if Lexie and Dylan can find their way back to each other, can either learn to forgive their mothers when the truth behind their leaving comes out?


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About Sonya Loveday

Sonya Loveday, first and foremost is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to the realization that this was the answer to the nagging persistent feeling that ‘there’s got to be something more’.
The dream came alive in 2009 when she purchased her laptop and began the tedious step of becoming a published author.
When she’s not reading, she’s writing. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. And when she’s not doing either of those things she’s sleeping, shuttling her children back and forth to school, letting the dogs and cats in and out of the house for the umpteenth time in the last hour and dreaming of a clean house.

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