Also by this author: Christmas at Claridge's, Christmas in the Snow, Christmas on Primrose Hill
Series: At Tiffany's #1
Published by Pan on 18th November 2013
Genres: Chicklit, Christmas, Humour, Love & Romance
Pages: 592
Format: eBook
Source: I bought it
Amazon Kindle, Audible
Three cities. Three seasons. One chance to find the life that fits.
Cassie settled down too young, marrying her first serious boyfriend. Now, ten years later, she is betrayed and broken. With her marriage in tatters and no career or home of her own, she needs to work out where she belongs in the world and who she really is.
So begins a year-long trial as Cassie leaves her sheltered life in rural Scotland to stay with each of her best friends in the most glamorous cities in the world: New York, Paris and London. Exchanging grouse moor and mousy hair for low-carb diets and high-end highlights, Cassie tries on each city for size as she attempts to track down the life she was supposed to have been leading, and with it, the man who was supposed to love her all along.

I picked this book because of its cover (I know I broke the don’t judge a book by its cover rule). I am a sucker for a pretty cover and this one is great. I LOVE Christmas. It’s my favourite time of year. I also adore the idea of New York at Christmas. I am however still to see this for myself. Maybe one day. However don’t be fooled into thinking this book is all about Christmas. In fact only a small portion of the book is set at Christmas.
This was a fun girly read. It reminds you what best friends are for. I loved seeing Cassie develop from a sheltered Scottish Housewife to a feisty New Yorker, a relaxed Parisian and finally to the at home Londoner. I was so jealous of Cassie getting to visit all these places, I loved ending each section and starting in a new city. Although it’s not mentioned in the synopsis Cassie also has a mini visit to Venice. I’ve been to Venice and I absolutely loved it there. I didn’t want to come home so this was my favourite part of the book. as well as the lovers bridge in Paris.
I guessed the ending of this book quite early on and I thought it was very cute but for a little while I thought I was going to be wrong though. This is a chick-lit must read and one of my favourite books.
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