1) Tell me a little bit about you
I’m a writer from Perth, Australia. I have twin boys who are like mini-tornadoes leaving Lego in their wake, which somehow always ends up embedded in my feet, or my bed, causing me to rue the fact they love it so much! And guess what’s on their Santa wish-list? Lego!
I write sweet romances for Carina UK, and can usually be found at my computer with a glass of white wine, or at the beach with my family over summer.
2) What do you love about Christmas?
I love the music, the decorations, the fact that it’s impossible not to smile when you see Santa! We’re a family of ‘foodies’ so there’s a lot of planning when it comes to our Christmas feasts, and I’m always thankful for living in such a great country, and to be able to celebrate with friends and family.
3) What do you hate about Christmas?
The clean up! All that cooking sure makes a mess!
4) What is your favourite Christmas book?
There are so many, but there’s nothing more I love than sitting down with my boys and reading them any of the Christmas books they have. They’re six, so that magic of Christmas is huge for them and I cherish this age, and being able to watch their eyes light up when they think of Santa in the sky, and Rudolph making their way towards us!
5) What is your favourite Christmas song?
Like, Lil, from the Gingerbread Café, it’s Amazing Grace. It’s so powerful and never fails to make me cry!
6) What was your best Christmas?
It was three years ago. My son had a very serious operation, and it looked like we’d be spending Christmas day in hospital as he had some complications with this surgery. The thought of him missing out was heart breaking, though we would have made it work somehow, but at the very last minute he turned a corner and we were able to leave late Christmas Eve. So we felt blessed to be able to be at home with our family and friends while he continued to recover. I’ll never forget that Christmas, because we were grateful for the doctors, and our baby, who’d been through so much, and just felt like nothing else matters, except good health, and being surrounded by those you love.
7) What was your best Christmas present?
I think the most touching was all the Gingerbread themed gifts my sister-in-law bought me last to year to celebrate my first book. It was really sweet, and I display them proudly still.
8) What was your worst Christmas present?
He’s going to kill me for saying this, but last year my father-in-law bought me a beach bag for the summer. It was the ugliest bag I’ve ever seen! It ripped before I’d even used it! He was meant to take it back and swap it, but I haven’t seen it since! Ha ha!
9) Describe your ideal Christmas
We’re hanging out by the pool at my brother-in-laws house. The kids are frolicking in the water, we’re drinking champagne while the scent of the turkey wafts towards us as it cooks in the weber. Everyone’s smiling and happy to be together for the day, and the kids keep jumping out of the pool to ask “Can we open our presents now?” And we say, after dinner J
10) What do you want for Christmas this year?
Books! Always books!
11) Where can we find you?
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Thank you Rebecca for taking the time to answer my questions.
Rebecca has a wonderful Christmas book out you can find out more below or check out my review here

Also by this author: Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe, Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Cafe, The Bookshop on the Corner, Christmas Wedding at the Gingerbread Cafe
Series: The Gingerbread Cafe #3
Also in this series: Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe, Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Cafe, The Bookshop on the Corner, Christmas Wedding at the Gingerbread Cafe
Published by Carina on 15th October 2014
Genres: Chicklit, Christmas, Contemporary, Fiction, Love & Romance, Romance
Pages: 304
Amazon Kindle, Audible
You are invited to the wedding of the year!
Snow is falling thick and fast outside the Gingerbread Café and inside, its owner Lily is planning the wedding of the year. Her wedding! She never dreamt it would happen, but this Christmas, she’ll be marrying the man of her dreams – in a Christmas-card-perfect ceremony!
The gingerbread is baking, the dress is fitted and the mistletoe’s in place – for once, everything’s going to plan. That is until her mother-in-law arrives… Suddenly, Lily’s famous cool is being tested like never before and her dream wedding is crumbling before her eyes.
In the blink of a fairylight, the Gingerbread Café has been thrown into chaos! Lily thought she had this wedding wrapped up, but with so much to do before she says ‘I do’, can Lily get to the church on time – and make this Christmas sparkle after all?
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