Hello you wonderful people today is FRIDAY!!!!! and here on Star Crossed Reviews I am welcoming Lorna Gray to join me for some Q&A.
Lorna, can you tell us a little about you?
I live in the Cotswolds with my partner and our ever-increasing menagerie which includes a small herd of goats. I studied Fine Art at Aberystwyth University and my other career (when I can spare the time from writing) is illustration. I am both a book illustrator (children’s mainly) and an archaeological illustrator. I love reading and alternate between very worthy books for the sake of research and delving into a good novel.
Can you tell us about your new book?
My debut novel ‘In the Shadow of Winter’ is a historical romance with a good deal of mystery. A relentless winter holds post-war Britain in its deadly grip and Eleanor Phillips rides out from her beleaguered Cotswold farm to rescue a stranger lost in the storm. But the near-dead man is no stranger and when she recognises Matthew Croft, the old ties of a failed romance tug deeply. Her sweetheart has returned from the war. Suspicion and danger pursue him to her door, and with a wanted man hidden in her home and stealing back into her heart, Eleanor must be on her guard – for the net is closing in on them both and enemies are all around …
What is your favourite place to write?
I write at a tiny desk upstairs in our equally tiny house. It is generally a terrible mess because I have all sorts of random bits of paper dotted around that somehow I can’t bring myself to put away (either in a file or the recycling bin)
Where do you get your character inspiration from?
Characters seem to grow naturally from chance encounters in the real world. I spend a lot of time researching the post-war period by talking to people who remember it. I love the fact I’ve got a great excuse for inviting people to talk about their past! Everyone has such a unique point of view, even when describing things which were experienced by many people all at the same time. My characters are fictional but some of these real memories end up weaving themselves into the plot.
What are your 3 desert island books?
John Wyndham – The Kraken Wakes. It’s a fantastic tale of survival which might be useful on a desert island. Although as it features rising sea levels, perhaps it would be a bad idea – it might make me paranoid!
Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen. Every time I read this book I discover a new subtlety that I missed before. Perfect for whiling away those long lonely hours.
This Rough Magic – Mary Stewart. Fantastic 1950s adventure set on Corfu – perfect escapism.
What is your favourite place to read?
I actually really love slipping into bed with a good book at night. Ideally with a cup of tea at my side and rain tapping against the window.
What is your favourite book and why?
My Brother Michael – Mary Stewart. I love all of Mary Stewart’s books, and this one the most of all for two reasons. Firstly it’s the most fantastic, evocative adventure and secondly it’s responsible for inspiring my current obsession with the post-war period.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I’m either drifting about the countryside sightseeing or horse riding.
Chocolate or sweets?
Chocolate. No contest.
Is there a book you wished you wrote?
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham. Unmatchable blend of science and human nature.
You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?
Athens. Actually, I really wish I had the time and money to get there without flying – it would be the most epic road-trip! One of these days I’m going to set a novel there and give myself the perfect excuse for a ‘research trip’.
What is your favourite season?
Spring. No, Autumn. No, Spring. Um, no, Autumn. (Undecided)
Where can we find you?
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Published by One More Chapter on 12th March 2015
Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance
Pages: 339
Amazon Kindle, Audible
The Cotswolds, 1947
The relentless winter of 1947 holds post-war Britain in its deadly grip, and Eleanor Phillips rides out from her beleaguered Cotswold farm to rescue a stranger lost in the storm. But the near-dead man is no stranger and when she recognises Matthew Croft, the old ties of a failed romance tug deeply. Her sweetheart has returned from the war…
Suspicion, the police and the panicked flight of a desperate man beat a path to her door. And with a wanted man hidden in her home and stealing back into her heart, Eleanor must be on her guard—for the net is closing in on them both and enemies are all around…
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