Pro’s and Con’s of Blogging

Posted 20th July 2014 by Emma in Blog Birthday, Giveaway / 4 Comments


I’m really getting in the party spirit now. Today I want to talk about the things I love most about blogging and the things I don’t like so much.

When I started this blog I never imagined that any author would ever ask me to read their books. I knew that it happened, but I never expected that they would value my opinion so much that they would ask me. So I started off I was quite happy just reading the books I purchased.

Then one day I get a DM on my twitter from the lovely Anna Garner asking me if I would review her book. She offered to send me a copy for free. I was so amazed that she wanted me to review her book I instantly read the synopsis. I knew it would be a perfect fit for this blog so I quickly agreed before she changed her mind.

Shortly after  I heard about blog tours. I was like ooo what is this. I was noseying around Fiction Addiction Book Tours and was reading about these amazing sounding books. So I sent a message to Shaz and asked her more about them. I instantly signed up for 2 blog tours that day and then started my love for blog tours. They are so much more than just a review. There’s the excerpts, the giveaways, the information on the author, Q&A’s, dream casting. Oh I love a good blog tour. I owe a lot of the growth of this blog to Shaz and touring with her. It has given me exposure that I couldn’t have gotten on my own, so thank you Shaz. I also want to thank anyone who has ever let me participate in one of their blog tours.

There isn’t much I don’t like about blogging but I have to say I wish I had more time. More time to read, more time to update my blog, more time to spend on designs and such like. With working full time and now I have a trainiee scheme and work exams to take I have less and less time to work on this blog. I spend any spare second I can reading or thinking about new designs but we could all do with a few more hours in the day couldn’t we.


Today I am going to giveaway two of my favourite blog tour books It’s Got To Be Perfect:the memoirs of a modern-day matchmaker by Haley Hill and The Half Life of Hannah by Nick Alexander. I wanted to give you so many more but many of them are ebook only and you stupidly cannot gift kindle books on Amazon UK. 🙁 UK only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

4 responses to “Pro’s and Con’s of Blogging

  1. Emma, you have been one of the best hosts on tours. You are reliable and your reviews are always so great to read. Thank you for your support!

    I know you have less time with your other commitments. Once your exams are over I’m sure you’ll be reading more 🙂

    Love your designs! I’m still using my owl signature. Thank you for creating that for me.


    • Thank you. That really means a lot to me.

      I hope so. 🙂

      Aww I’m glad you like it. Anytime you want an new one let me know. I swear I change my designs more than the weather does. hahah x

  2. Thanks so much for the mention, Emma! I didn’t know I was your “first”. Haha, Or perhaps I did. I have a terrible memory. Anyway, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blogging and I totally know what you mean about wishing you had more time to do all the things you love. I wish I did too!


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