Q&A with Amy Lynch

Posted 23rd July 2015 by Emma in Q&A / 0 Comments

1) Tell us a little about you..
I’m an Irish author, living with my husband, two young children and two rescue dogs. I work part time for a children’s charity and write in the evenings. In between laundry piles and school lunches I make time for my passion, which is writing.

2) Tell us about your new book…

Bride without a groom is my debut, I have just signed with Harper Collins. It’s a laugh out loud summer read, which follows the outrageous antics of Bridezilla Rebecca. It’s currently 99p, and climbing up the bestseller charts.

3) What is your favourite place to write?

I’d love to be able to say that I have a calm sanctuary in which to write. The reality is that I have simply learned to tune out noise and just press on I with my writing whenever the chance arises! I’ve also been known to let the children run like escaped lunatics in the soft play centre while I plug in my laptop, order a large coffee and type like the wind!

4) Where do you get your character inspiration from?

Ok, confession time! You know that expression “write what you know?” I must admit that I had mini bridezilla tendencies, and was always hinting about what kind of rings I like! However I’m glad to say that I never took it to the extremes like Rebecca does in my book, like booking a priest before a proposal. I also like to pinch funny stories from friends and exaggerate my own funny experiences!

5) What are your 3 desert island books?

The beach, Alex Garland

Me before you, Jojo Moyes

Matilda, Roald Dahl

6) What is your favourite place to read?

Ironically I’m typing this from my family holiday house in Spain – my favourite place to read. Think warm breeze and cold beer!

7) What is your favourite book and why?

I adore Roald Dahl, and my darling dad read all of his stories to my sister and I and we would laugh out loud. When I close my eyes I can still see the illustrations by Quentin Blake. I’m reading The Twits to my children and they love it.

8) What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Swimming a few lengths in the local pool is a great way to clear the head, and sometime it’s where my best ideas come from!

9) Chocolate or sweets?

Neither, I crave salt! Give me nuts and popcorn any day.

10) Is there a book you wished you wrote?

Sophie Kinsella has a gift of creating flawed yet loveable characters. I wish I’d written the Shopaholic series. So funny!

11) You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

I’d flit right back to Spain, order a large rum and coke at the bar, plug the laptop in and edit book two, ‘Does my bump look big in this?’

12) What is your favourite season?

I love the autumn, as my birthday and Halloween are always a fun time. I can make a birthday stretch into a full week!

13) Where can we find you?

My husband says I’m addicted to social media. He may have a fair point, but don’t tell him!




Q&A with Amy LynchBride without a Groom by Amy Lynch
Published by Maze on 7th May 2015
Pages: 241
Amazon KindleAudible

Single, coupled-up or married, this laugh-out-loud summer read is the perfect anecdote for the wedding season!

Rebecca has chosen the most luscious, five tiered, wedding cake. The engagement ring that she has selected is celebrity inspired. The wedding singer is on speed dial. He doesn’t usually do Michael Bolton, but as it’s for a first dance he’ll make an exception. Father Maguire is checking dates for the parish church as we speak. The deposit on the white sand honeymoon is paid for in full on Barry’s card. She has fallen for an ivory lace couture gown that is to die for. The down payment may require her to sell a left kidney, but it will be worth it. Isn’t that why you have two?

There’s one teeny tiny problem. It’s nothing, really. No need to panic! It’s just that Barry has yet to propose. Says he’s not ready! He can be a bit of a kill joy that way. It’s time to face the harsh reality – Rebecca is a bride without a groom!

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