Today I am delighted to share with you my interview with Lisa Green
Can you tell us a little about you?
What can I say? I’m a mother of three. I think the youngest is planning to take over the world— so I would watch out if I were you. I love writing. I love reading and I particularly love fantasy and high stakes! Save the world against all odds and I’m all yours. I have a quirky sense of humor, but you can get to know about all of that if you follow/friend me on FB or Twitter. ;D I LOVE to interact with readers and other writers!!
Can you tell us about your new book?
My new book, SOUL CORRUPTED, is the second book in my Of Angels and Demons series. The two main characters from SOUL CROSSED are back, but they find out the life in Heaven isn’t all “happily ever after.” Grace is preoccupied with helping her family — especially her brother Noah, who’s turned down a dark path — but she’s forbidden from interacting with them. Josh makes a deal with his old boss, Lucifer, agreeing to end his relationship with Grace in exchange for… wait. I’m giving it away! Mwhahahahaha! Go read it!
What is your favourite place to write?
Anywhere I can have time to myself, without children. Not that I don’t love them, but…for example, right now, I’m at a Starbucks. Did I mention I’m addicted to coffee and chocolate? Well I’m getting my coffee fix at the moment.
Where do you get your character inspiration from?
You know, I’m not sure! LOL I have a theater background and I find that immensely helpful when I get into their heads. That’s why I typically prefer writing in first person as well. I try to put the worst possible person in the situation I create. That may be mean, but it makes for good stories. Sometimes I am inspired by a picture or an actor. Sometimes I just know one personality trait and the person grows from there. In the end, I strive to have fully dimensional people in each part. If you feel for even a moment they are real, then I’ve done my job.
What are your 3 desert island books?
Oooh. Tough. I guess that would be Harry Potter (can I cheat and take all of them?), Beauty Queens by Libba Bray because it’s awesome and also because, well, desert island, aaaaannnnddddd Compulsion by Martina Boone because I love it that much.
What is your favourite place to read?
In bed, which is a problem because I’m so tired these days it’s hard to stay conscious! Otherwise? Outdoors.
What is your favourite book and why?
I can’t pick. It’s impossible and changes from mood to mood.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Chocolate or sweets?
Chocolate. And sweets. Sweets with chocolate would be my preference, thank you.
Is there a book you wished you wrote?
Ultimately no because then it wouldn’t be the same book, you know?
You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?
Oh my! I want to say somewhere interesting or adventurous like Hungary to research my family history or Australia to scuba dive but the truth is I’d probably end up in Hawaii because I love it there.
What is your favourite season?
Pumpkin! Uh. I mean fall. Seriously though, autumn is truly my favorite. Halloween, cool air, beautiful scenery…what’s not to love?
Where can we find you? (Twitter/FB/Website etc.)
All over the Interwebs., FB, and @LisaGailGreen on Twitter are my major three. But if you search for Lisa Gail Green on just about anything you’ll probably find me. And please do! I seriously love interacting!
Soul Crossed by Lisa Gail Green
Series: Of Demons and Angels #1
Published by Full Fathom Five Digital on 25th February 2015
Genres: YA Fantasy
Pages: 294
Amazon Kindle, Audible
One Demon.
One Angel.
One Soul.
Josh lived a reckless, selfish life, so upon his death, escaping the eternal torments of Hell by assuming the role of a powerful, soul-corrupting demon is an easy choice. His first soul assignment doesn’t seem too hard: the mortal Camden is already obsessed with weapons, pain, and torture. If only Josh wasn’t distracted by Cam's beautiful friend, Grace.
Grace never expected to die violently at age sixteen, but now she’s an Angel, responsible for saving a soul. She can already see past Camden’s earthly flaws, so the job should be be easy. If only that handsome, playboy Josh would stop getting in the way.
It’s forbidden for an Angel to be with a Demon, so if Josh and Grace stop resisting each other, the results would be disastrous.
And only one can claim Cam’s soul.
"A wickedly romantic story that will have you cheering for Lisa Gail Green’s addictive storytelling. Soul Crossed is devilishly delicious!" — Martina Boone, author of Compulsion and the Heirs of Watson Island trilogy
“Soul Crossed blurs the lines between good and evil with addictive characters and plot that will have you eagerly turning the pages.” - Kelly Hashway, author of the Touch of Death series.

Series: Of Demons and Angels #2
on 9th September 2015
Genres: YA Fantasy
Pages: 254
Amazon Kindle, Audible
In Soul Corrupted, the sequel to Soul Crossed, life in Heaven isn’t all "happily ever after" for Josh and Grace. Now Guardian Angels, they are entrusted with finding and saving the next potential Antichrist. But Grace is consumed with worry about her family, which is dealing with the aftershocks of her death. She's particularly concerned about her brother Noah, who has turned down a dangerous path of drugs and violence—and she's frustrated by the rules of Heaven, which forbid her from contacting them.
Josh has troubles of his own. A former Demon, he questions his ability to guide troubled souls to the light. When he discovers that Noah made a deal with Lucifer and has even been hanging around with Josh’s old Demon pal, Keira, he makes a forbidden counter-deal with the Devil to save Noah's soul. Josh's side of the bargain? He has to sever his relationship with Grace.
Josh and Grace's world is about to spin out of control, testing the limits of true love and blurring the border between Heaven and Hell.
Soul Corrupted is the second installment in Lisa Gail Green’s Of Demon and Angels series, which started with Soul Crossed.
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