Genre: Romance

Blog Tour Review: Little Ac..

Posted 2nd June 2015
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Little Acts of Love

Thank you to JB for letting me take part in this tour. I had previously read two of Tilly’s books and as soon as I read the blurb I knew I had to read both this and Mistletoe and Mishaps too. This book picks up four months after Mistletoe and […]

Review: The Keepers: Sienna

Posted 10th May 2015
Review: The Keepers: Sienna

Rae contacted me as part of Harper Impulse Fortnight to see if I would be interested in reviewing The Keepers: Declan, so I looked up the book and while I was dying to read it, I had a little issue. Declan was not the first book in the series and I […]

Q&A with Jules Wake

Posted 9th May 2015
Book News, Meme, Q&A
Q&A with Jules Wake

We’re almost at the end of HI Fortnight. I hope you have enjoyed all the posts. Today I am joined by the wonderful Jules Wake.  Jules can you tell us a little about you? I’m an avid reader and my idea of hell is not to have a book on […]

Book News: Guest Post with ..

Posted 8th May 2015
Book News, Q&A
Book News: Guest Post with Jane Lark

It’s lunch time and you have that Friday feeling!!!! Here on Star Crossed Reviews we’re still celebrating those wonderful people at Harper Impulse. Today I am excited to be joined by Jane Lark to talk about her book The Illicit Love of a Courtesan. Trapped under the reign of a cruel […]

Q&A with Lorna Gray

Posted 8th May 2015
Book News, Meme, Q&A
Q&A with Lorna Gray

Hello you wonderful people today is FRIDAY!!!!! and here on Star Crossed Reviews I am welcoming Lorna Gray to join me for some Q&A. Lorna, can you tell us a little about you? I live in the Cotswolds with my partner and our ever-increasing menagerie which includes a small herd […]

Q&A with Jill Knapp

Posted 6th May 2015
Book News, Meme, Q&A
Q&A with Jill Knapp

It’s Hump day!!! A today I have a little Q&A with the wonderful Jill Knapp to help you get through the working week. Jill can you tell us a little about you? I’m a native New Yorker currently living in North Carolina. After spending most of my life in New […]

Review: New Year At The Rit..

Posted 3rd May 2015
Review: New Year At The Ritz

I read Skating at Somerset Park before Christmas and I was dying to read the rest of the series. The characters in this book are not the same as the first book. New Year at the Ritz follows Frankie and Zack. Frankie has been single for a while. She has […]

Book News: The Definition o..

Posted 8th April 2015
Book News
Book News: The Definition of Icing Cover Reveal

Kenley Hunter finally has everything sorted out. Fresh from studying chocolate making in Europe, she’s gambling everything on her new business, Confection Consultations. All Kenley wants in life is people to take her seriously, to see the person on the inside rather than the blonde beauty on the outside. While […]

Blog Tour Travel Glasses

Posted 18th March 2015
Blog Tours, Book News
Blog Tour Travel Glasses

Calla Winston’s mobile devices sit in a corner of her room, covered in dust. Weeks ago, she shared photos and laughs with her best online friend. Now, after having felt the sting of betrayal, she prefers being hidden and friendless. She equates privacy with security and technology with pain. Then […]