Reading Challenge: Beat the Backlist (2022)

Review: The Viscount Who Lo..

Posted 19th October 2022
Review: The Viscount Who Loved Me

I am not a regency romance reader. Not at all. I hadn’t even heard of The Bridgeton’s before Netflix made the series. I also was one of the few people that had no plans to watch it. Well that all changed within a few weeks of the series going out. […]

Blog Tour Review: The Cockt..

Posted 27th January 2022
Blog Tour Review: The Cocktail Bar

Thank you to Rachel for letting me take part in this tour. I read the follow up to this book before Christmas so I was very interested to go back to the beginning and find out how The Cocktail Bar began. River is our MC. He is quite the character. […]

Blog Tour Review: Heartcros..

Posted 9th January 2022
Blog Tours, Reviews
Blog Tour Review: Heartcross Castle

Thank you to Rachel for letting me take part in this tour and to One More Chapter for my copy of this book via Netgalley. I have read a few books in this series and I love a castle so I knew I needed to read this book. Grace Power […]