2014 Challenges

Posted 3rd January 2014 by Emma in Reviews / 3 Comments

I just joined the Book Blogging Community and was browsing through the challenges for this year and have decided to add a few more challenges for the year.


New Year New Reads is a readathon designed to tackle your TBR headfirst, with the main theme being that whatever you read, it’s something new to you, whether it’s a new author, or new genre. The readathon runs throughout January, and is a great way to get you reading new things ready for the coming year!

Firstly, will you be taking part during the whole month? Will you be posting weekly updates?

Yes I will participate for the whole month. Yes, on a Sunday.

How many books are you aiming to read?


What new authors/genres/series are you hoping to read?

I am dying to read the Divergent Series. I have heard so good many things about it that I absolutely need to, hopefully I will find the time in January.

I hope some of you will join us in this challenge. Click here to see the sign up page.

2014 Read Your Freebies! Reading Challenge

The Book Vixen also invited me to this challenge via goodreads.

In 2011, Missie @ The Unread Reader started the Show Me the Free reading challenge as a way to get some of those freebie ebooks read. It was a hit and in 2012 it morphed into the Why Buy the Cow? challenge and she invited Kelly atReading the Paranormal to join her as a co-host. Missie was unable to continue hosting and handed the challenge off to Kelly and Amanda @ On a Book Bender. Unfortunately, Kelly and Amanda are unable to continue hosting and graciously handed the challenge off to me. While the hosts have changed, the goal remains the same: read those freebies!

I will aim to read 12 freebies from my kindle. 

Click here for the sign up page

Series Challenge Button take2

How many of you have started a series, loved it and for some reason never continued? Who here is sick and tired of getting the judgey face because you haven’t read “that” series yet? How often have you said “I really want to read that series!” only to not even glance at it in the bookstore? By a show of hands how many of you have added an entire series to your Goodreads TBR shelf more than 3 months ago and STILL haven’t started yet?! The 2014 Series Challenge is your chance to take all those empty promises and make them real.

I can think of 4 series on my tbr pile, probably way more if I dared to look . I know one of them has 12 books! While I am not sure I will finish that one I aim to at least read the Divergent Series and the Bridge Jones series, both of which  I have not started. I also aim to finish The Mortal Instruments Series.

Want to join us? Click here to sign up.

And finally….

It’s time for another year of the Sequel Challenge! This year I’m changing it up a bit. I’ve adopted Melissa @Writer Grrl Reads as a wonderful co-host and we’ve decided to add Prequels to the mix as well, and make a few changes!

Welcome to the 2014 Sequel & Prequel Challenge, hosted by Novel Heartbeat and Writer Grrl Reads!  This year’s challenge is an expansion on the 2013 Sequel challenge.  We’ve compared our unbelievably long series TBR lists and come to the conclusion that we need a bit of extra help knocking those sequels of our TBRs and we’re sure that a few of you have the same problem!

The goal: To read as many prequels and sequels as you can. You set your goal at whatever number works for you.

I am going to aim for at least 6 sequels, but I will update as the year progresses.

Click here to sign up.

I am looking forward to starting these challenges and hopefully clearing my ever growing TBR pile.

3 responses to “2014 Challenges

  1. Although I’m happy someone else has signed up for my lonely challenge, I don’t appreciate if you change the one ground rule I set. 12 means 12, not 20. If you want to set your goal that high, make up your own challenge or sign up with someone else.

    I know this sounds bitchy, but that’s the way it is. You wouldn’t sign up for a fantasy challenge and then decide to change the rules to reading vampire books instead, would you?

    Thank you. Happy 2014, and good luck with your other goals.

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