2023 Challenges

Posted 1st January 2023 by Emma in Challenges / 0 Comments

Happy New Year!

Don’t you just love the feeling of a reset? If you saw my post yesterday you will know I did not do great on my 2022 challenges however today is a new start! As well as reading challenges I am also going to try to post more regularly on my Instagram. I love creating bookish posts but I just didn’t have the time last year.

Let’s start with the big one! The Goodreads Challenge. I’m going big again with 100 books. I managed 82 last year but I have a feeling I can do it this year.

If you are a long-term follower of my blog you know that I have been trying to increase my Netgalley percentage. Last year I started with 34%, sadly I only increased it by 1% last year to 35%. I am aiming to read at least 70 books from Netgalley with the hope of increasing my percentage.

Christmas is my favourite time of year and after only reading 10 Christmas books last year I have a lot of catching up to do. This year I’m aiming for 20 again.

Last year I really struggled with Audiobooks. I couldn’t seem to concentrate for most of the year however I really hit my stride in the last couple of months and managed to read 14 in total. I am going to participate in the Audiobook Challenge by Caffeinated reviewer and That’s What I’m Talking About again and I will aim for 20 again. If you want to join us sign up here

Does anyone else’s TBR pike just get bigger every year? Yep same here. This year I am again joining Austine Decker with their Beat the Backlist challenge. I will pledge 20 books with a publication date of 2022 or prior! If you want to join us you can learn more here


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