Also by this author: Fairy Tale in New York, 7 Years of Bad Sex
Published by Self-Published Genres: Chicklit, Christmas, Love & Romance
Pages: 90
Format: eBook
Source: I bought it
Amazon Kindle, Audible

At one time, up-and-coming rock singer Jude had it all: a great band, a platinum record, a loving girlfriend. This Christmas, however, he is well down the road towards spontaneous self-destruction.
Unwitting at first, Jude has progressively alienated his band and driven away the love of his life. Tonight, the night before Christmas Eve, he has broken the final taboo during a disastrous gig. Yet Jude doesn’t see how badly his life has derailed, not until a ghostly procession of legends passes through his bedroom with a series of vivid and powerful wake-up calls.
Will the Spirits help Jude put the friendship, love, and rock music back into his Christmas? Curl up with this festive novella to get yourself into the mood for Christmas…
Thank you to JB for letting me take part in today’s party.
This book is a little Christmas novella about Jude. Jude has become a rather horrible person. He is mean, selfish and self-centred. His ego his become inflated and he has let the fame go to his head. His band has just been booed off stage on Christmas Eve. The rest of the band can’t stand Jude. He’s been horrible to his girlfriend, Carrie.
Jude is visited by three Ghosts throughout the evening of Christmas Eve. The Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Future. I really loved Nicky’s musical twists on the ghosts. Jude goes through an amazing journey throughout the night.
This book is very well thought out and while it may be short it is packed full of story. There is not a sentence that is wasted . Every word in this book is integral to the story.
I really enjoyed this book and will be looking forward to reading more of Nicky’s books in the future.
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Hi Emma, thank you so much for taking part in JB’s party promo blitz yesterday! You’re a star and an angel, and I’m glad you enjoyed Spirits of Christmas! Here’s wishing you a wonderful, magical Christmas and all the best for 2015. Stay in touch!!
Love from