Review: A Girl’s Best Friend

Posted 26th November 2015 by Emma in Reviews / 1 Comment

Review: A Girl’s Best FriendA Girl’s Best Friend by Lindsey Kelk
Also by this author: I Heart New York, I Heart Hollywood, I Heart Paris, I Heart Vegas
Series: A Girl #3
Also in this series: About A Girl, What A Girl Wants
Published by Harper on 5th November
Genres: Chicklit, Christmas, Humour, Love & Romance, Romance
Pages: 400
Format: eBook
Source: I bought it
Amazon KindleAudible
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

First Tess was a girl with a plan.

Then she was a girl with a dream.

Now she’s a girl who’s come back to earth with a bump.

When the opportunity arises to join her best friend, Amy, in New York for Christmas, Tess jumps at the chance. The only fly in ointment is that Nick, the man who broke her heart, lives there. And Charlie, the man she turned down, has just started talking to her again. And she has just four days to take a photo for a competition that could save her career.

But aside from that, everything is going to be great: it’ll be the best Christmas ever. Won’t it?

I have been waiting since I finished the last page of What A Girl Wants for this book and I gobbled it up like I would chocolate cake. (For those of you that don’t know me well, that means I basically inhaled it)

This is the third book in the A Girl Series and it was just as fantastic as the other two.

After 2 fabulous jobs with Al (Bertie) Bennet, Tess has hit the ground with a pretty large bump. While she’s a pretty decent photographer no one will hire her because they have never heard of her. So Tess decides to hop on a plane (or two) and meet up with her bestie Amy in NYC.

I adored ‘being’ back in NY. (by being I mean through Lindsey’s writing). my absolute favourite scenes where the ones with the I heart gang. I’ve been hoping and praying for a meet between these characters since I started this series. I just knew that they would be such bloody good friends if they got the chance to meet.

I loved loved loved the ending of this book. I was literally so happy with it.

I adore Lindsey’s writing style and as soon as she releases a book I always end up dropping everything to read it, even if I’m in the middle of another book.

I really hope this isn’t the end for Tess and the gang and I would really REALLY love a book about Amy…(hint hint Lindsey). I look forward do Lindsey’s next book whoever it is about.

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Lindsey Kelk

Um, hi! My name is Lindsey, I’m a writer, I live in New York and I’m an interwebs addict. Phew, now I’ve got that off my chest, there’s really not much else to say. I’m from England, specifically ‘up north’, lived in London for seven years then skidaddled to New York. I’ve been here since 2009 and I really don’t particularly want to leave. It’s ever so nice.

I write books, I write articles for magazines, I blog about beauty things, sometimes I put myself in very silly situations and write about that and on the odd occasion, I interview people. I’m much better at talking about myself though. I have been described as an ‘oversharer’. And ‘gobby’. I believe this is endearing.

I love music, movies and TV. I watch WWE. A lot. It’s possible I’m actually a 14-year-old boy who is confused about his sexuality. I’m naturally blonde. The prescription for my right eye is -9.5. I’m never in one place for too long and next year I want to travel lots more. I like cooking, eating and entertaining. And fashion. And yoga. And talking all of the time. I love texting. And karaoke. And Twitter. And football. And obviously, I’m a fan of reading, writing and all things book-related. I hate mosquitoes, small-minded people and pickles. But not pickled onions. I like pickled onions. Hard to get in the states, you know.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

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