Blog Tour Review: The House That Made Us

Posted 20th January 2023 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

Blog Tour Review: The House That Made Us

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour Review: The House That Made UsThe House That Made Us by Alice Cavanagh
Published by Simon & Schuster UK on 19th January 2023
Genres: Chicklit, Contemporary, Women's Literary Fiction
Pages: 400
Format: eARC
Source: from Netgalley
Amazon Kindle

One Day meets Up: The House That Made Us is a love story – and a life story – told through a series of photographs and based on a true story   When Mac and Marie marry and find a home of their own, Mac takes a snap of themselves outside their newbuild bungalow, the garden bare and the paint on the front door still wet. It becomes a tradition, this snap, and slowly the photographs build into an album of a fifty-year partnership.   Every year they take a photo and though things change around them – the garden matures, the fashions change, they grow older – the one constant is their love. Every year, come rain, come shine, from the Seventies through the decades, every photo tells the story of their love.   Until the last photo, where the couple becomes one, and their story comes to an end…  

One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

I finished this book about a week ago and I am still thinking about these characters. This book is about a young couple, Mac and Marie. We see them move into their home after just getting married. We see them start a family and then we see how that family grows over the years. The ups and downs that every family faces. The growing and shrinking of every family with babies, new partners and sadly the passing of some members.

I really loved this little family. Mac and Marie are such a sweet couple. I loved being by their side through everything. I felt like my emotions were right there with them. Through every laugh and every tear, I was by their side feeling it all with them.

I loved the way the book was set out with a picture each year outside their house. I like little things like this which make a book unique. Some years were skipped but that was okay. We saw the milestones and it didn’t feel like you were missing out on anything. The story is well-paced and the plot is well-thought-out.

I was so sad when this story was over. I was so reluctant to leave these characters behind. I’d definitely recommend this book!

One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Alice Cavanagh

I write books. I’m an introverted extrovert, a homebody who loves going out, a nosey parker who can keep secrets. I live by the Thames. My study feels like the centre of the universe. I share my house with Matthew, who writes songs and composes film music in his studio upstairs, and our daughter, Niamh. Two dogs sleep at my feet all day, Mavis and Zelda, both pedigree idiots.

I’m five foot six, mostly Irish. I find humans fascinating, whether they’re evil or sweet or saintly or annoying or … I just like humans, and that’s why I write about them.

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