Blog Tour Review: Underneath the Christmas Tree

Posted 23rd October 2021 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

Blog Tour Review: Underneath the Christmas Tree

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour Review: Underneath the Christmas TreeUnderneath the Christmas Tree by Heidi Swain
Also by this author: Sleigh Rides and Silver Bells at the Christmas Fair, Mince Pies and Mistletoe at the Christmas Market, Sunshine and Sweet Peas in Nightingale Square, Snowflakes and Cinnamon Swirls at the Winter Wonderland
Series: Wynmouth #2
Also in this series: The Secret Seaside Escape
Published by Simon & Schuster UK on 28th October 2021
Pages: 430
Format: eARC
Source: from Netgalley
Amazon Kindle

***The sparkling new Christmas novel from the 
Sunday Times
 bestselling author Heidi Swain!***
Liza Wynter loves being a high school art teacher, running after school clubs and helping her students find their way. But life has other plans. Newly redundant and with her 30th birthday looming, she decides to take a risk: a new adventure on a path she walked a long time ago, following her feet back to her family home in Wynmouth.
Her Christmas-loving parents established a Christmas tree farm in the village, celebrating the whole month long and making teenaged Liza the envy of all her friends. But following dreams comes at a price, and Liza has long since lost her Christmas spark.
After the worst Christmas of them all, she’s kept her distance from her former home. Her new plans don’t match up with those of caretaker Ned's, but can they work together to keep her family’s popular farm going? Will returning give her back some of the Christmas spirit that she used to love so much and help her find a new direction?

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Thank you to Simon and Schuster for my copy of this book and for letting me take part in this tour. I am a HUGE fan of Heidi Swains books, especially her Christmas ones.
I was so excited when Heidi first announced the name of this book and when I saw the cover I immediately fell in love with it!

Liza is quite a stubborn woman. She hated growing up at Wynter’s. when she first arrived she was dead set against liking anything there. As her time progressed it was nice to see her see a different side to Wynter’s. I really liked Liza. She has a big heart and is willing to give anyone a chance and some more than one.

Ned is such a loveable character. He has such a love for Wynter’s. Not only does he love the farm and its reputation he clearly loves the festive season. He is like a big kid at times. Heidi has created someone so wonderful with Ned. I can’t wait for him to reappear in future books.

I want to give a special mention to Liam. I really loved his enthusiasm and work ethic, I was thrilled to see him blossom over the course of the story.

I LOVE Wynter’s farm. It is such a beautiful place. with the plantation, the huts and the barn. It is the perfect backdrop for Christmas! I loved the idea of renting a Christmas Tree. What a neat idea! The beach huts were also such a good idea, It really made Wynter’s a one-stop-shop for Christmas.

Heidi has created a magical wonderland here that almost tops Angus and Wynthorpe Hall. I know Liza thinks that her dad had one up on Angus but I think Angus will always be the king of Christmas for me! I loved hearing about how all of the other places in Heidi’s books were mentioned in this one.

This is the perfect story for those cold winter nights, wrapped up under a blanket with a nice hot chocolate!

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Heidi Swain

Although passionate about writing from an early age, Heidi Swain gained a degree in Literature, flirted briefly with a newspaper career, married and had two children before she finally plucked up the courage to join a creative writing class and take her literary ambitions seriously.

A lover of Galaxy bars, vintage paraphernalia and the odd bottle of fizz, she now writes contemporary fiction and enjoys the company of a whole host of feisty female characters.

Heidi can be found at the keyboard at all hours of the day and night and quite often scribbling longhand in her car during her lunch break. She lives in stunning south Norfolk with her wonderful son and daughter and a mischievous cat called Storm.

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