Review: Summer at the Star and Sixpence

Posted 25th April 2016 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Summer at the Star and SixpenceSummer at the Star and Sixpence by Holly Hepburn
Also by this author: Snowdrops at the Star and Sixpence, Valentine's Day at the Star and Sixpence, Autumn at the Star and Sixpence, Christmas at the Star and Sixpence
Series: Star and Sixpence #3
Also in this series: Snowdrops at the Star and Sixpence, Valentine's Day at the Star and Sixpence, Autumn at the Star and Sixpence, Christmas at the Star and Sixpence
Published by Simon & Schuster UK on 25th April 2016
Genres: Chicklit, Love & Romance
Pages: 105
Format: Paperback
Source: from the Publisher
Amazon KindleAudible
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

The perfect summer novella for all fans of Cathy Bramley and Scarlett Bailey.

When sisters Sam and Nessie left the city lights to take over The Star and Sixpence pub in Little Monkham, little did they realise they’d be taking on the villagers too…

Thrown in at the deep end with a wedding to organise at the same time as launching their new hotel rooms, the last thing they need is Sam’s past catching up with them.

As the scandal strikes, the only question is will the villagers stick their necks out for two relative newcomers? Or will Franny, the terrifying postmistress, see them gone for good…

Spend a lazy summer day with Summer at the Star and Sixpence – the perfect novella for those long sunny afternoons.

Firstly happy pub day to Holly Hepburn and secondly I want to say thank you to Books and the City for my VIP proof copy which I received at the Spring Blogger Evening a little while ago. I’ve previously read the other 2 books in this series and I LOVED them.

If you have read the first two books in this series, which I would recommend, then you will know that Sam has been keeping a secret. In this book we find out what that secret is and I have to say I didn’t see it coming. I really felt for Sam in this. She didn’t do anything deliberately and she was the one that had to suffer.

In this book we also see Nessie and Owen on their first date. I was very excited about this because we have seen their relationship bubbling in the previous books and they both deserve some happiness.

I loved reading this book. I couldn’t put it down and I’m so excited for the world to be able to enjoy it too. I’m also dying to read the next book in the series, only 4 months, 1 week and 4 days to go!!! not that I’m counting…..

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Holly Hepburn

I’ve wanted to write books for adults for as long as I can remember but I was too scared to try. One day I decided to be brave and dipped a toe into the bubble bath of romantic comedy with my first novella, Cupidity, and I’ve never looked back. I often try to be funny to be funny, except for when faced with traffic wardens and border control staff. My favourite thing is making people smile.

I’ve tried many jobs over the years, from barmaid to market researcher and I even had a brief flirtation with modelling. These days I am mostly found writing.

I live near London with my grey tabby cat, Portia. We both have an unhealthy obsession with Marmite.

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