Review: Autumn at the Star and Sixpence

Posted 12th December 2016 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: Autumn at the Star and SixpenceAutumn at the Star and Sixpence by Holly Hepburn
Also by this author: Snowdrops at the Star and Sixpence, Valentine's Day at the Star and Sixpence, Summer at the Star and Sixpence, Christmas at the Star and Sixpence
Series: Star and Sixpence #4
Also in this series: Snowdrops at the Star and Sixpence, Valentine's Day at the Star and Sixpence, Christmas at the Star and Sixpence
Published by Simon & Schuster UK on 6th September 2016
Genres: Chicklit, Humour, Love & Romance
Pages: 89
Source: I bought it
Amazon KindleAudible
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

As autumn starts to draw in and the nights are getting darker, the fire is lit at the Star and Sixpence and Nessie and Sam start to turn their thoughts to the annual bonfire night. The village comes together every year to celebrate the turning of the season and this year is going to be extra-special.

This book is the 4th part of the Star and Sixpence story. It is set a little while after the third book ended. Halloween is approaching and the girls have a big party planned.

Things are going slowly but well with Nessie and Owen, that is until Nessie’s soon to be ex husband shows up wanting to rekindle their relationship.

Things for Sam are finally starting to quieten down after the scandal of the summer but this book mainly focuses on Nessie,Owen and Patrick.

This is a lovely quick read that leaves you wanting more. Luckily I already had Christmas at the Star and Sixpence so I didn’t have to leave the girls for very long. I love Holly’s writing and I can’t wait to see what next year brings for her.

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Holly Hepburn

I’ve wanted to write books for adults for as long as I can remember but I was too scared to try. One day I decided to be brave and dipped a toe into the bubble bath of romantic comedy with my first novella, Cupidity, and I’ve never looked back. I often try to be funny to be funny, except for when faced with traffic wardens and border control staff. My favourite thing is making people smile.

I’ve tried many jobs over the years, from barmaid to market researcher and I even had a brief flirtation with modelling. These days I am mostly found writing.

I live near London with my grey tabby cat, Portia. We both have an unhealthy obsession with Marmite.

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