Friday In Focus T.A. Williams

Posted 20th May 2016 by Emma in FIF, Q&A / 0 Comments

It’s almost the weekend!!!! This friday I am excited to be joined by Trevor Williams to learn a little more about him….

Trevor, can you tell us a little about you?

I’m a man, and an old one as well. It may seem strange that my chosen genre is chicklit/romantic comedy, but that’s what works for me. I’ve written all sorts, from historical fiction to thrillers, but it was my editor at Carina UK (part of Harper/Collins) who suggested I start writing for women. I’m married and live with my wife in a little village in rural Devon.

Can you  tell us about your new book?

“What Happens in the Alps…” came out in March and my next book comes out on 11th That one (What Happens at the Beach…”) is set on a sunbaked beach in the south of France. “What Happens in the Alps…” is the story of Annie. She’s had it tough. Her husband was killed in a rock-climbing accident and she’s making a new start in the high Alps. It’s a story of trying to overcome adversity and moving on emotionally. This sounds pretty heavy, but it’s a light, sometimes very funny, book.

What is your favourite place to write?

I’m a creature of habit and I always write at my desk on a desktop PC. The room is quiet and I’ve got all my maps, reference books etc around me.

Where do you get your character inspiration from?

I wish I knew. The ideas for plot and characters just somehow arrive. I do a lot of cycling and walking and I find that a very productive way of generating ideas.

What are your 3 desert island books?

I would imagine “How to build a seaworthy boat with just your bare hands” would have to rate pretty highly if it existed. Otherwise, I think the complete works of Shakespeare, “A History of Britain” and Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”. That lot should keep me amused for a good few months.

What is your favourite place to read?

I love reading and I don’t mind where I am. Probably my favourite place would be on a sunlounger under an umbrella on an Italian beach.

What is your favourite book and why?

Probably Hilary Mantell’s “Wolf Hall”. I’m fascinated by history and the Tudor era has always appealed to me. As a writer, it’s amazing just what a magnificent book it is, particularly when compared to some of her other stuff. It just goes to show you can’t get it right every time. I take heart from that.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I’m a writing junkie, so I really do spend far too much time at the keyboard. Certainly, that’s what the physio tells me. I’m an exercise junkie as well so I spend a lot of time cycling, walking or playing tennis.

Chocolate or sweets?

Chocolates every time, but not the really dark ones. I love white Toblerone.

Is there a book you wished you wrote?

When I was studying French at university I read every single book written by Emile Zola (we are talking about roughly a million words!). I would love to have written one of his family sagas like “Germinal” or, maybe, one of the Russian sagas like “Doctor Zhivago”.

You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

Japan, no question. I used to go there on business every year for work and I love the place and the people.

What is your favourite season?

Spring and summer. The older I get, the more reptilian I get. A nice warm rock in the sun suits me just fine.

Where can we find you?

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Friday In Focus T.A. WilliamsWhat Happens in the Alps... on 21st March 2016
Pages: 262
Amazon KindleAudible

A sparkling romantic comedy guaranteed to beat the winter blues, What Happens in the Alps… is one story you don’t want miss in 2016!
Two years ago, Annie Brewer’s life was turned upside down when her adrenaline-junkie husband died in a tragic climbing accident. So she’s hoping that moving to the beautiful village of Santorso in the Italian Alps will finally put her life back on track!
She might be going into business with her oldest friend – notorious lady-charmer Matt Brown – but men are definitely out of the question for Annie! That is, until she bumps into tall, dark and delicious Alessandro Lago on the ski slopes…and spontaneously says ‘Yes’ to a date!
It must be the crisp, mountain air but suddenly, anything seems possible. The only trouble is, chivalrous Matt is looking more gorgeous than ever…
Praise for T. A. Williams
‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story and something which will easily make you smile…he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ ─ Reviewed The Book (TOP 1000 Amazon Reviewer)
‘When Alice met Danny is maybe the first book in this genre I have read that is written by a man, and T. A. Williams has done a splendid job!’ ─ Rachale's Reads
‘I have read others of the author’s books and have loved them equally. I wanted to jet off to join them and I bet you will too…Great characters, a fun and enjoyable read that will leave you with a big smile on your face.’ ─ Jilllovestoread
‘I had my doubts as to whether a 'bloke' would get it! To get beneath the skin of a woman and process how she'd feel in various scenario's. Let's just say I don't have any longer – Trevor you nailed it.’ ─ Crooksonbooks

About T. A. Williams

Firstly, my name isn’t T A. It’s Trevor. I write under the androgynous name T A Williams because 65% of books are read by women. In my first book, “Dirty Minds” one of the (female) characters suggests the imbalance is due to the fact that men spend too much time getting drunk and watching football. I couldn’t possibly comment. Ask my wife…
I’ve written all sorts: thrillers, historical novels, short stories and now I’m enjoying myself hugely writing humour and romance. Romantic comedies are what we all need from time to time. Life isn’t always very fair. It isn’t always a lot of fun, but when it is, we need to embrace it. If my books can put a smile on your face and maybe give your heartstrings a tug, then I know I’ve done my job.
I‘ve lived all over Europe, but now I live in a little village in sleepy Devon, tucked away in south west England. I love the place. That’s why you’ll find leafy lanes and thatched cottages in most of my books. Oh, yes, and a black Labrador.
I’ve been writing since I was 14 and that is half a century ago. However, underneath this bald, wrinkly exterior, there beats the heart of a youngster. My wife is convinced I will never grow up. I hope she’s right.

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