January BOTM & Wrap Up

Posted 31st January 2022 by Emma in Reviews / 2 Comments

Happy end of January! How has your month been? I’ve had a busy one. I decided to do Red January I completed 11 runs which totalled 34KM along with many dog walks and 5 swimming sessions. I also managed to read 11 books.

January BOTM

My first book of the month for 2022. Now, this was a tough one as I read quite a few excellent books this month. After a lot of deliberation, I have decided to go for Anna-Lou’s The Night of the Party. Detective Dan just wins my heart every time!

January Reviews

  1. [6 Jan] The Little Shop of Hidden Treasures by Holly Hepburn ★★★★
  2. [9 Jan] Heartcross Castle by Christie Barlow ★★★★
  3. [11 Jan] The Birthday Party by Wendy Dranfield ★★★★
  4. [13 Jan] Left for Dead by Joy Kluver ★★★★
  5. [15 Jan] The Night of the Party by Anna-Lou Weatherley ★★★★★
  6. [22 Jan] The Dying Game by Ruhi Choudhary ★★★★★
  7. [24 Jan] Find the Girl by Helen Phifer ★★★★★
  8. [26 Jan] Winter Dawn by Alex Callister ★★★★★
  9. [27 Jan] The Cocktail Bar by Isabella May ★★★★
  10. [30 Jan] Stolen Angels by Rita Herron ★★★★★
  11. [31 Jan] January BOTM & Wrap Up

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