Blog Tour: Just for the Rush

Posted 8th February 2017 by Emma in Blog Tours, Book News, Guest Post / 1 Comment

Blog Tour: Just for the Rush

Happy Wednesday! Today I am excited to be joined by Jane Lark for her Just for the Rush blog tour.

Facing Your Worst Fears

What if you were forced to face your worst fear?

Both Ivy and Jack face their worst fears in Just for the Rush and they handle it in different ways. One with fear ridden focus, after a lot of urging, and the other with a considerable amount of anger and determination. But Jack is addicted to the feel of adrenaline and fear is an adrenaline stirring thing.

My fears have become worse through the years. I have been scared of heights for as long as I can remember. That is my big brother’s fault. He used to do that trick when we were kids of pushing me and then catching me when we were walking along cliff paths or around ruined castle walls.

Another of my fears, enclosed spaces. That one came from going caving on a school trip when I was fourteen, and it took years to come on after that. But I don’t do narrow spaces, crushing crowds or small rooms at all well now. I remember the boy who was behind me in this cave, when we were sandwiched between miles of rock, with only a foot of space to wriggle through on our stomachs, telling me to, ‘keep going, it would be ok’. He was really sweet for a fourteen-year-old boy.

When my daughter was about eight we paid to go on a tour of the old Roman tunnels under Exeter. They are only about a foot and half wide. Uh-uh. I panicked after about five seconds and told the guide ‘my daughter’ was scared. I say with a wink. It got me out of there.

I have once climbed a cliff. But someone on the same climbing trip got stuck half way up. The instructors did not do all the wrong things that Jack does in Just for the Rush. But I am so bad with heights didn’t even like going near the edge at the top of the Empire State Building.

So as you can tell – In some ways I am not a very brave person, or certainly not when it comes to facing phobias. But I do understand that if you conquer things it feels exciting. But I have never had that person to push me on to face these phobias and it is far easier to not be brave and turn and run.

One of the things that I love about writing, though, is that in characters you can create the person you’d never be. A little of the coward in me slips into Ivy, but she has the strength to dare herself to do the things she’s scared of and take a chance that things will turn out ok. Of course there is Jack in the background persuading and supporting. But don’t worry, when he faces his worst fear, he turns to her to pay him back.

Maybe the next chance I get, I’ll try to beat one of my fears… Or maybe not… 😀

Best Wishes,

Jane x

Blog Tour: Just for the RushJust for the Rush by Jane Lark
Also by this author: I Found You
Published by One More Chapter on 3rd February 2017
Genres: Chicklit, Love & Romance, New Adult
Pages: 383
Amazon KindleAudible

No one wants Mr Nice Guy…

A surprise marriage proposal from her perfectly nice Rugby playing boyfriend, Rick, has Ivy Cooper heading for the hills. She isn’t looking for a comfortable future, she wants something more, something that will make her heart race.

And her heart only beats harder when she’s with Jack her playboy boss. While Rick’s comfort is cosy, Jack’s protection makes her feel like she’s in a fortress…and his style of sex…well, it’s like nothing she’s every experienced before…

About Jane Lark

Jane is a writer of authentic, passionate and emotional Historical and New Adult Romances.

She began her first novel at sixteen, but a life full of difficulty derailed her as she lives with the restrictions of Ankylosing Spondylitis.

When she finally completed a novel it was because she was determined to be able to say I’m a writer.

Now Jane is thrilled to be giving her characters life in others’ imaginations at last.

Jane is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development, and uses her knowledge of psychology to bring her characters to life.

‘Basically I’m a sucker for a love story. I love the feeling of falling in love and it’s wonderful to be able to do it time and time again in fiction, plus my understanding of people helps me write the really intense relationships I enjoy creating.’

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