Friday In Focus with CJ Burright

Posted 26th February 2016 by Emma in FIF, Q&A / 2 Comments

It’s Friday again!!!! Whoop To celebrate that it’s almost the weekend I am joined by CJ Burright for a little Q&A sesh…

Can you tell us a little about you?

I’m so boring! I’m an introverted cat-herder who loves sleeping in on Saturdays and hates being allergic to gluten. I’m fascinated with supernatural stuff and can spend hours learning about medieval times (especially weapons). A dry wit, bantering, and the anti-hero get me every time.

Can you tell us about your book?

My quickee blurb for Wonderfully Wicked, the first in The Dreamcaster Series:  A sexy assassin in need of saving, a snarky girl searching for her place, and their journey to find love in a world where nightmares come to life and dreams aren’t everything they seem.

What is your favourite place to write?

Ooh, my Hawaii beach house with a tropical drink on hand, where the sparkling waves and bronzing sun lull me into endless inspiration…oh, wait. That’s my favorite fantasy writing place. In real life, I’ve commandeered a corner of the dining room table, where my frosty beverage is coffee, the waves are my cats purring, and the sun is a lightbulb. Sigh.

Where do you get your character inspiration from?

Everywhere. J I’ve been inspired by dreams, a simple picture, videos, characters in other books or movies, a simple thought out of the blue, clients at work and friends (snicker)…so long as I remember to write them down, I never have a shortage of character ideas.

What are your 3 desert island books?

Just 3? That’s evil. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (lots of pages and romance), my Jane Austen collection (it’s all in one tome, so it totally counts), and The Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn (dragons, magic, romance, swords…never gets old).

What is your favourite place to read?

Curled up on the couch with a blanket, a cup of coffee, and a drumming rain outside. Perfect reading day.

What is your favourite book and why?

Are you intent on torturing me, Emma? 🙂 Picking a favorite book is like choosing a favorite child…forget the fact that I have only one kid. I’ll go with my most recent favorite, which is Anne Bishop’s The Others series. It’s a series. It counts as one! Anne is one of my top five favorite authors and I’ll read anything she writes because all her stories are awesome perfection.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I’m an Assassin’s Creed addict. Once the new release hits, it’s all I do until I’ve kicked butt and conquered…after dying many, many times. It’s a sickness.

Chocolate or sweets?

Chocolate anything. Always.

Is there a book you wished you wrote?

Outlander.  So good. It’s one of those romances you hope never ends.

You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

A tour of Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. Kilts, whisky, and castles—what more could a girl wish for?

What is your favourite season?

I love Spring when all the flowers I forgot I planted come up.

Where can we find you?

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Friday In Focus with CJ BurrightWonderfully Wicked by C.J. Burright
Series: The Dreamcaster Series #1
on 27th October 2015
Pages: 300
Amazon Kindle

Kidnapped by the man of her nightmares, she'll need more than a knife and snark to protect her life...and her heart.
For as long as she can remember, Kalila Montgomery has been tormented by creatures from her nightmares. Doomed to a solitary life with a herd of cats, she's determined to go down fighting. Until the man of her dreams--literally--kidnaps her and claims to know a cure. If only she believed him...
Lydon v'al Endrian will stop at nothing to be free of the V'alkara, a dangerous brotherhood who feed on dreams. But the key to his freedom, sassy dreamcaster Kalila, might be his toughest challenge yet. No matter how much she protests, he intends to keep her safe from the V'alkara...even if it requires the ultimate sacrifice.
Now on the run with a man she can't quite trust or resist, Kalila must decide--fight for her dream of a normal life? Or embrace a power she doesn't want to save Lydon?

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