March 2014 Wrap Up

Posted 1st April 2014 by Emma in Reviews / 0 Comments


March is over so what happened here on the blog?

For the 2014 TBR Pile Challenge I have read 4 more books. The three below plus Alligent which I haven’t managed to write a review for yet as I’m still processing how that went down. I’m hoping to write it this month.

  1. [1 Mar] February 2014 Wrap Up
  2. [4 Mar] Crash by Ruby McNally ★★★½
  3. [5 Mar] Cowboys and Kisses by Sasha Summers ★★★★
  4. [6 Mar] Guest Post: What it’s like to be an Author
  5. [7 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: A Whispered Darkness
  6. [7 Mar] Book News: Flawed Perfection Release Day Blitz
  7. [7 Mar] Game of Love by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  8. [10 Mar] Divergent by Veronica Roth ★★★★★
  9. [13 Mar] Insurgent by Veronica Roth ★★★★½
  10. [14 Mar] Book News: Month 9 Books Friday reveal: Boneseeker
  11. [14 Mar] Book News: Retribution Release Day Blitz
  12. [15 Mar] I’m looking for a Guest or Co-blogger…..
  13. [21 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: My Tethered Soul (Reaper’s Rite #2)
  14. [25 Mar] Adorned by Georgeann Swiger ★★★★
  15. [26 Mar] Book News: To Catch A Creeper Blitz
  16. [27 Mar] Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni ★★★★★
  17. [28 Mar] Blog Tour: Hopelessly Devoted To Holden Finn

For the Prequel and Sequels I have read 2 more books (including Alligent) taking my total to 8.

  1. [1 Mar] February 2014 Wrap Up
  2. [4 Mar] Crash by Ruby McNally ★★★½
  3. [5 Mar] Cowboys and Kisses by Sasha Summers ★★★★
  4. [6 Mar] Guest Post: What it’s like to be an Author
  5. [7 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: A Whispered Darkness
  6. [7 Mar] Book News: Flawed Perfection Release Day Blitz
  7. [7 Mar] Game of Love by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  8. [10 Mar] Divergent by Veronica Roth ★★★★★
  9. [13 Mar] Insurgent by Veronica Roth ★★★★½
  10. [14 Mar] Book News: Month 9 Books Friday reveal: Boneseeker
  11. [14 Mar] Book News: Retribution Release Day Blitz
  12. [15 Mar] I’m looking for a Guest or Co-blogger…..
  13. [21 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: My Tethered Soul (Reaper’s Rite #2)
  14. [25 Mar] Adorned by Georgeann Swiger ★★★★
  15. [26 Mar] Book News: To Catch A Creeper Blitz
  16. [27 Mar] Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni ★★★★★
  17. [28 Mar] Blog Tour: Hopelessly Devoted To Holden Finn

I finished the Divergent Series giving me my second series completed for the series challenge.

Unfortunately I haven’t managed to read any books for Read Your Freebies. I’m hoping to catch up later in the year.

So far so good on challenges.

So what else has happened this month?

I have had 5 wonderful blog tours. 2 blog tours hosted by the lovely Shaz from Fiction Addiction Book Tours, one from Inkspell publishing, one by Cassandra Giovanni and one by the lovely Gosling girls. I have lots more tours coming up im April and May so keep your eyes open.

  1. [1 Mar] February 2014 Wrap Up
  2. [4 Mar] Crash by Ruby McNally ★★★½
  3. [5 Mar] Cowboys and Kisses by Sasha Summers ★★★★
  4. [6 Mar] Guest Post: What it’s like to be an Author
  5. [7 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: A Whispered Darkness
  6. [7 Mar] Book News: Flawed Perfection Release Day Blitz
  7. [7 Mar] Game of Love by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  8. [10 Mar] Divergent by Veronica Roth ★★★★★
  9. [13 Mar] Insurgent by Veronica Roth ★★★★½
  10. [14 Mar] Book News: Month 9 Books Friday reveal: Boneseeker
  11. [14 Mar] Book News: Retribution Release Day Blitz
  12. [15 Mar] I’m looking for a Guest or Co-blogger…..
  13. [21 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: My Tethered Soul (Reaper’s Rite #2)
  14. [25 Mar] Adorned by Georgeann Swiger ★★★★
  15. [26 Mar] Book News: To Catch A Creeper Blitz
  16. [27 Mar] Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni ★★★★★
  17. [28 Mar] Blog Tour: Hopelessly Devoted To Holden Finn

I also had lots of lovely book news. I have now joined the Month9Books Friday Reveal Team. This means every friday we reveal a new book cover. This has been so much fun. I am a sucker for a book with a pretty cover and have been known to read a book purely based on how much I like the cover.

  1. [1 Mar] February 2014 Wrap Up
  2. [4 Mar] Crash by Ruby McNally ★★★½
  3. [5 Mar] Cowboys and Kisses by Sasha Summers ★★★★
  4. [6 Mar] Guest Post: What it’s like to be an Author
  5. [7 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: A Whispered Darkness
  6. [7 Mar] Book News: Flawed Perfection Release Day Blitz
  7. [7 Mar] Game of Love by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  8. [10 Mar] Divergent by Veronica Roth ★★★★★
  9. [13 Mar] Insurgent by Veronica Roth ★★★★½
  10. [14 Mar] Book News: Month 9 Books Friday reveal: Boneseeker
  11. [14 Mar] Book News: Retribution Release Day Blitz
  12. [15 Mar] I’m looking for a Guest or Co-blogger…..
  13. [21 Mar] Book News: Month9Books Friday Reveal: My Tethered Soul (Reaper’s Rite #2)
  14. [25 Mar] Adorned by Georgeann Swiger ★★★★
  15. [26 Mar] Book News: To Catch A Creeper Blitz
  16. [27 Mar] Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni ★★★★★
  17. [28 Mar] Blog Tour: Hopelessly Devoted To Holden Finn

Just in case you missed any of my March reviews below is a list.

  1. [1 Mar] February 2014 Wrap Up
  2. [4 Mar] Crash by Ruby McNally ★★★½
  3. [5 Mar] Cowboys and Kisses by Sasha Summers ★★★★
  4. [7 Mar] Game of Love by Melissa Foster ★★★★
  5. [10 Mar] Divergent by Veronica Roth ★★★★★
  6. [13 Mar] Insurgent by Veronica Roth ★★★★½
  7. [25 Mar] Adorned by Georgeann Swiger ★★★★
  8. [27 Mar] Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni ★★★★★

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