Blog Tour: Nature of the Witch

Posted 20th February 2018 by Emma in Blog Tours, Book News / 1 Comment

Blog Tour: Nature of the Witch

Today I have a Tuesday treat for you! I am excited to be joined by Helen for a Q&A session.

Can you tell us a little about you?

I live in Leicestershire in the UK with my husband, two children and a stroppy cat called Tiger.  I’ve always loved reading and writing.  I work part-time and then spend the other part of the week doing mumsy stuff such as school runs, tots groups etc and, when I can fit it in, writing!  ‘Nature of the Witch’ is my first novel and is the first book in a trilogy.

Can you tell us about Nature of the Witch?

It’s based on a time many years ago when witches were more common-place and had a close relationship to the natural world.  Witches were gifted with special powers and used these powers to heal and help others.  However, some witches abused these powers and Mother Nature created a deadly creature that hunted and killed witches.  One particular coven were given protectors called Gwithiaz (Cornish for ‘guardians’).  It all died out 200 years ago, but my story is about the present day return of both witch and Gwithiaz.

Can you tell us about the characters in this book?

The main characters are Kiera and Jack.  Kiera is the first witch the world has seen in 200 years and has to learn the old ways.  Jack is becoming a member of the ancient brotherhood of the Gwithiaz, and must lean how to fight and how to protect.  They each have mentors in the form of Kitto and Mags.

Who is your favourite?

I would say Kitto because he is quite an eccentric character.  He cares deeply about the return of witchcraft and he wants to look after Jack and Kiera.  He comes across as a bit of a crazy old man, and yet his skills as a warrior are unmatched.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

A big part of Kiera’s journey in the novel is dealing with her grief after losing her father.  This mirrors my own journey as I wrote this story after losing my dad.  When I wrote these parts I felt emotional and it was impossible not to put what I was going through into Kiera.

What is your favourite place to write?

I have two boisterous boys so I am just happy if I get chance to write!  I think I could write anywhere!  We have not long moved house and I’m really looking forward to getting the study done as this will definitely become a writing room.  Sometimes before work I have chance to sit in a coffee shop with coffee in one hand and a pen in the other and that is always a good way to start the day.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I like walking.  There are some beautiful walks around Leicestershire where I live.  I’ve recently got back into netball which I’m enjoying although I’m a little rusty.  I love reading and I am part of a local book-club.

Chocolate or sweets?

I’d be happy with either, but I guess I’m a bit of a chocoholic.  You can’t beat putting the kids to bed and then settling down with a cup of tea and a bar of chocolate, before quickly binning the wrapper so the kids don’t see in the morning.

You have a free flight and accommodation to anywhere in the world where would you go?

Oooo that’s tricky.  I would have to say Australia to see my brother who lives over there.

What do you love about writing?

I’ve always loved the escapism that writing gives me.  Reading gives me the same sort of escapism, except that with writing I am in control of the worlds I create and the characters I meet.

Do you have a favourite childhood/teen story?

I read so much as a child and it’s difficult to pick particular books.  However, there are a couple of books that do spring to mind.  I loved ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl as a child and I also remember being very moved when I read ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian.

You have a day off – no children/work/responsibilities…what do you do?

I write!  I know, I need to get out more.  I would probably meet up with a friend for coffee too so that I could actually sit and drink my coffee and chat, without spending my time chasing a toddler around.  I wish I could pretend I’m more exciting and say I’d go sky-diving or something, but honestly give me a coffee, a notebook and pen and some peace and quiet and I’m happy.

Blog Tour: Nature of the WitchNature of the Witch by Helen T. Norwood
Published by Creativia on 12th November 2017
Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 277
Amazon KindleAudible

Many years ago, magic prevailed in Britain. It was a time when chosen women followed a path forged by Mother Nature herself; a time of witchcraft, of the brotherhood of the Gwithiaz and of the terrifying Creatures.

This has all passed from memory a long time ago. But now, magic has returned. Kiera is the first witch the world has seen in centuries, while Jack must learn the ways of the Gwithiaz. They must not only master their crafts, but also overcome their differences and work together if they are to survive the dark enemy that lurks in the shadows.

In the rugged Cornish landscape where it first began, the two face the dreaded Kasadow: an ancient evil that has awakened and is ready to destroy them, and their magic, once and for all.


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About Helen T. Norwood

Helen lives in the UK with her husband, two children and one diva-like cat called Tiger. Helen, like many others, was captivated in her childhood by books from the likes of Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton and any books which took her to new worlds and showed her places of magic and mystery. She has enjoyed writing and creating her own magical worlds from a young age. She is currently writing the second book in the ‘Nature of the Witch’ trilogy which will be out soon.

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