Blog Tour Review: One in a Million

Posted 10th August 2018 by Emma in Blog Tours, Reviews / 0 Comments

Blog Tour Review: One in a Million

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Blog Tour Review: One in a MillionOne in a Million by Lindsey Kelk
Also by this author: I Heart New York, I Heart Hollywood, I Heart Paris, I Heart Vegas
Published by HarperCollins on 5th July 2018
Genres: Chicklit, Humour, Love & Romance
Pages: 416
Format: eARC
Source: from Netgalley
Amazon KindleAudible
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Annie Higgins has 30 days to make Sam famous. But when the time’s up, will she choose followers and likes – or real relationships and love?

Tired of the advertising idiots across the hallway making fun of her business, social media specialist Annie Higgins (iPhone in one hand, glass of wine in the other) accepts a bet that she can make anyone famous in thirty days. Even when the advertising idiots choose the office weirdo, Sam, as her target, she’s determined to win – whether he likes it or not.

Annie soon discovers that getting to know Sam means getting to know more about herself – and before the thirty days are out, has a difficult decision to make about what’s really important.

Funny, real and heart-meltingly romantic, Annie and Sam’s story is Bridget Jones meets My Fair Lady for the social media set, and the perfect summer romcom.

Thank you to Harper Collins for my copy of this book via Netgalley. My love for Lindsey’s writing goes back a long way. I am lucky enough to have met Lindsey several times and I am truly honoured to be on this tour!

The first thing I was excited about with this book came in the first few pages. There’s a cross over! Oh how I love a cross over. Nothing excites me more than a cross over. It makes the characters seem even more real when they meet each other. I won’t tell you which character it is but they are from the A Girl Series! I nearly screamed when I saw it. It was magical.

Now I have that off my chest I really should talk about the rest of the book. The main character Annie is instantly likeable. She’s funny, she’s hardworking, she’s passionate and she’s downright ballsy. Oh and one more thing she is bloody competitive. I love her. I love how she doesn’t give up and that she is always up for a challenge.

Now I’m going to move on to Dr Samuel Page, or Sam as Annie likes to call him. Sam is essentially stuck in the past. He is a historian with a flip phone! I mean who still has a flip phone these days? Although I do miss that satisfying slam when you end a bad conversation. It’s not quite the same when you press the end call button is it? Sorry I’m digressing Sam is rather reluctant to have any form of social media and it take quite some persuading and perseverance from Annie to get him involved. I liked Sam. He was such a different person to Annie but somehow there was a spark there. He is funny in a completely different sense to Annie but I loved it all the same.

Apart from the cross over (which I am still giddy about) one of the things that I really enjoyed in this book was the humour. I love a man that can make me laugh and the same is true of a book. Laughter is so infectious and funny books have me turning page after page after page.

I also loved the bet and follower count updates on some of the chapters. I love things like this, they make things a little different.

Lindsey got the pace spot on with this story. I could have carried on in this world for a lot longer than just the month it lasted and I will truly miss these characters.

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

About Lindsey Kelk

Um, hi! My name is Lindsey, I’m a writer, I live in New York and I’m an interwebs addict. Phew, now I’ve got that off my chest, there’s really not much else to say. I’m from England, specifically ‘up north’, lived in London for seven years then skidaddled to New York. I’ve been here since 2009 and I really don’t particularly want to leave. It’s ever so nice.

I write books, I write articles for magazines, I blog about beauty things, sometimes I put myself in very silly situations and write about that and on the odd occasion, I interview people. I’m much better at talking about myself though. I have been described as an ‘oversharer’. And ‘gobby’. I believe this is endearing.

I love music, movies and TV. I watch WWE. A lot. It’s possible I’m actually a 14-year-old boy who is confused about his sexuality. I’m naturally blonde. The prescription for my right eye is -9.5. I’m never in one place for too long and next year I want to travel lots more. I like cooking, eating and entertaining. And fashion. And yoga. And talking all of the time. I love texting. And karaoke. And Twitter. And football. And obviously, I’m a fan of reading, writing and all things book-related. I hate mosquitoes, small-minded people and pickles. But not pickled onions. I like pickled onions. Hard to get in the states, you know.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

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