Category: Wrap Up

2022 Wrap Up

Posted 31st December 2022
Wrap Up

Happy NYE! Well, I don’t think 2022 could have been a worst year for meeting my challenges! I’m going to put it down to planning a wedding and what I like to call COVID catch-up. Did you find that this year everyone wanted to make up for not seeing you […]

My Top Reads of 2022

Posted 31st December 2022
Wrap Up
My Top Reads of 2022

How the hell is it New Year’s Eve? This year has flown by and now it is time to look back over my favourite reads of the year. Oh, Detective Dan. I love Detective Dan. The Night of the Party is the fifth book in the series but they can […]

My Top Reads of 2021

Posted 31st December 2021
Wrap Up
My Top Reads of 2021

It’s that time of year where I pick my favourite reads of 2021. I have been very fortunate and have been able to read a great many books this year. I was to thank all the publishers and authors that have gifted me copies of their books. It was quite […]

2021 Wrap Up

Posted 31st December 2021
Challenges, Wrap Up

Happy NYE! I hope you all had an excellent Christmas and are looking forward to the year ahead. Before I get onto how I did with my goals for 2021 I have some news to share. I got engaged at Christmas! I know it’s SO EXCITING! The proposal was very […]

July and August Wrap Up and..

Posted 8th September 2021
Wrap Up
July and August Wrap Up and BOTM

I was doing so well with my Wrap up and BOTM posts but July and August were SO BUSY. I read a lot of books, work was manic and I seem to be doing more social events as restrictions lift. Anyway, enough of my rambling let’s get on to the […]

June Wrap Up and BOTM

Posted 2nd July 2021
Wrap Up
June Wrap Up and BOTM

WOW we are half way through the year. One thing lockdown and this pandemic has given me is more time to read. I have been escaping to many different places and it has been such a joy. Book of the Month This month’s book of the month was very difficult […]

May Wrap up and BOTM

Posted 31st May 2021
Wrap Up
May Wrap up and BOTM

I feel like I say this every month but May has flown by! I had a week off work for my birthday which was lovely. I wish I had got more reading done this month but with the UK opening up again a bit I was just so busy! Book […]

April Wrap Up and BOTM

Posted 2nd May 2021
Wrap Up
April Wrap Up and BOTM

This year is just flying by. Can you believe we are in May already. I’ve been slammed at work. I’ve had lots of projects on the go but given the semi lockdown in the UK I’ve had little else to do so my reading hasn’t suffered too much. I hope […]

March Wrap Up and BOTM

Posted 1st April 2021
Wrap Up
March Wrap Up and BOTM

March is over already and I’m looking forward to the long Easter weekend. I’ve got lots of chocolate and lots of books so I’m pretty sure I’m in for a good weekend! What are your Easter plans? Book of the Month I read a lot of great books this month […]

February 2021 Wrap Up and B..

Posted 28th February 2021
Wrap Up
February 2021 Wrap Up and BOTM

Another month of lockdown survived. Have you learnt anything new this month? In the last week I’ve been learning how to enhance my natural curls. I’m also trying to take better care of myself. A lot of things have slipped in the last year and I want to be healthier […]