Review: A Place to Hide

Posted 30th December 2020 by Emma in Reviews / 1 Comment

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Review: A Place to HideA Place to Hide by Sheila Norton
Also by this author: The Vets At Hope Green: Escape to the Country, The Vets at Hope Green: Follow Your Heart, Too Close to Home, A New Start
Series: The Pets at Primrose Cottage #1
Also in this series: New Beginnings, Trust Your Heart
Published by Ebury Digital on 23rd November 2017
Genres: Chicklit, Contemporary, Humour
Pages: 80
Format: eARC
Source: from Netgalley
Amazon Kindle

PART ONE of a serialised novel - a charming and romantic story about living the simple life and the joy of animals.
Emma Nightingale needs a place to hide away. Pursued by the demons left by her ex-boyfriend, she takes refuge in quiet Crickleford, a sleepy town in Dartmoor, where she can lay low.
Life in Crickleford is quiet and peaceful, but it won’t be for long if people discover the truth about Emma’s past. Not wanting to make too much of a fuss, she ends up lying about why she's there - she's looking after some cats, she says - then suddenly the town’s new ‘pet-sitter’ is in high demand!
While looking after an Alsatian, Emma finds all attention is on her, and the handsome young reporter from the local paper takes an interest in her story...
Note: this is part one of a four-part serialised novel. The full length paperback will be available in April 2018

One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Thank you to Ebury Digital for my copy of this book via Netgalley. I’ve read a few of Shelia’s books in the past and they always put a smile on my face.

There’s a lot of mystery around Emma’s old life and ex-boyfriend. Emma seems like she has had quite the past but very little is given away in this part. I love that Emma unintentionally becomes a pet sitter. I’m a dog person so the two dogs she looks after in this book were my favourite. They were both so different in their personalities and care needs.

This book is a great little teaser of what is to come in the next 3 parts. Crinkleford is a lovely little village in Devon. The town has spotty phone signal and is probably as cut off as you could get in the UK. Shelia has me intrigued about Emma’s past and longing for more of Crinkleford.

About Sheila Norton

I live in Chelmsford, UK, with my husband Alan. We have three married daughters and six grandchildren. I’ve been writing as a hobby ever since I was a little girl, and finally achieved my lifelong ambition to have a novel published, with the acceptance in 2002 of ‘The Trouble With Ally’. Prior to this, I’d been having short stories published in women’s magazines for about ten years.

My most recent books are stories with animals at their heart. THE VETS AT HOPE GREEN is the story of a girl with a dream, and the animals who are part of it.
OLIVER, THE CAT WHO SAVED CHRISTMAS and its sequel CHARLIE, THE KITTEN WHO SAVED A LIFE are heartwarming stories narrated by their cat heroes.

My earlier books were ‘Chick lit’, including a series of three written under the pseudonym of Olivia Ryan. I’ve also published two books – YESTERDAY and TICKET TO RIDE set in the 1960s. More recently I published A GRAND THING, which is a family story with grandparents at its heart.

I worked for most of my life as a medical secretary. I now write full-time. I like to relax by reading, walking,swimming, going to pubs and restaurants and seeing my family and friends.

I am passionate about my writing and love to hear from my readers. I am also happy to give talks to writers’ groups and others, and book signings


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