Christmas Q&A with…Ellen Faith

Posted 20th December 2014 by Emma in Q&A / 0 Comments

1) Tell me a little bit about you

Hi Emma! Thank you for having me here today. Well, I’m a relatively new author and I published my debut novel, The Story of Us, in January of this year. I live in West Yorkshire, love to read, love to bake and more than anything, I love to eat! I can usually be found lurking around Twitter, especially on SomerhaulderSunday 😉 and I’m always easily amused with a lolcat or two.

2) What do you love about Christmas?

As cheesy as it sounds, I love the feel of Christmas. I love it when the shops start to play Christmas songs and the decorations go up, it gives me a bit of a fuzzy feeling inside. I’m pretty weak when it comes to Christmas food too, anything festive by Mr Kipling and I buy enough to feed a small army.

3) What do you hate about Christmas?

The chaos. I cannot stand having to do any last minute shopping and getting caught up in the stampedes. I’m going to sound really evil now but I love being able to wander around and watch others get flustered, it’s not as much fun when it’s the other way around though.

4) What is your favourite Christmas book?

If I had to choose a more traditional book, I’d go with A Christmas Carol but if I could choose a modern book, it would definitely be I Heart Christmas by Lindsey Kelk. A good friend of mind got me a signed copy last year for Christmas when I couldn’t get to one of her signings and it meant the world to me.

5) What is your favourite Christmas song?

Merry Christmas Everybody by Slade. Every single time, without fail, no matter where I am I have to sing THAT bit, you know the one….IT’S CHRISTMAAAASSS.

6) What was your best Christmas?

It’s hard to pinpoint a best Christmas really, but I always have fond memories of being a little girl and coming downstairs on Christmas morning at my grandmas where we would stay Christmas Eve, seeing the multi-coloured fairylights twinkle through the glass in the living room door and then seeing all of the presents Santa had left.

7) What was your best Christmas present?

I’ve been a very lucky lady and have received some amazing presents from my family so couldn’t pick just one. I got an amazing Tiffany necklace one year from my mum and an Alexander McQueen scarf one year from my fiancé but the best thing for me is spending the day with my entire family for Christmas dinner.

8) What was your worst Christmas present?

I don’t think I’ve ever had one of those awful experiences where I’ve had to unwrap a present and pretend that it’s the best thing in the world. I once got some awful smelling soaps from a woman I used to work with, the smell seeped through the wrapping paper so I didn’t have a choice but to open it early just so I could store it somewhere that I wouldn’t have to smell it.

9) Describe your ideal Christmas

My ideal Christmas would  be spending it with my family through the day, having Christmas dinner together and then being able to go home, get into my onesie and snuggle up on the sofa with a classic Christmas film while it snows outside. Wouldn’t that be perfect?

10) What do you want for Christmas this year?

More onesies please if you’re reading, Santa! I’m hoping for a bottle of Chanel No5 that I want to wear as my wedding perfume next year, but if I don’t get that, I’d just be happy with books, books and maybe Amazon vouchers that I could use for books 😉

11) Where can we find you?

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Ellen has a lovely Christmas themed book out which you can find out more about below:

Christmas Q&A with…Ellen FaithHome for The Holidays by Ellen Faith
Also by this author: Perfume & Promises
Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform on 1st November 2014
Genres: Chicklit, Christmas, Contemporary, Fiction, Love & Romance
Amazon KindleAudible

 When Lexi and Ryan make the decision to venture home for the Christmas holidays, neither of them can wait to catch up with their families. What the pair don’t anticipate is the series of life changing events their families have been going through while they’ve been continuing with their American adventure, including a newly nudist father.

As they try to weather the storm, they discover that being back in the UK is creating more questions than answers for them as a couple and their American dream is beginning to fade. Fast.

*This novel can be read as a follow on from The Story of Us or as a standalone*

About Ellen Faith

Ellen lives in the wonderful county of Yorkshire, England where she spends most of her time baking, eating, baking, and eating. Occasionally she does leave the house to go to the cinema or do some food shopping though.
After spending years with an overactive imagination, she decided to put all the magic in her head to some good use and put finger to laptop where The Story of Us was born and became her debut novel.
She loves to travel, her favourite destinations so far have all been in America, hence the love of all things, and all people, American. The food rocks pretty hard too, she ate until her jeans begged her to stop whilst she was there. True fact.
Aside from day dreaming and eating, Ellen is a sucker for a lolcat, penguins and monkeys – she has never claimed to be normal.

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